AI Meets Cybersecurity: Unlocking the Future of Web3 with Resonance Security

Aly Madhavji 穆亚霖


Pione3rs — Issue #7

Recent web3 scandals have shaken the public’s trust in web3 projects, and with the rise of AI and quantum cyberattacks, cybercrime is expected to grow from a $3T Industry in 2015 to a $10.5T Industry in 2025. With it, cybersecurity has attempted to stay ahead, yet even the most informed professionals grapple with keeping their security up to date, especially within the web3 space.

Cybersecurity will be essential for the industry to scale in rebuilding public trust. However, with many options to navigate and the constant flux of new products and services, many web3 projects and auditors need help to select the most suitable blend of security solutions.

AI, quantum computing, and other emerging technologies are changing the way we approach cybersecurity; it’s spurring a new generation of intelligent tools and products to fight more intelligent threats.

Struggling with Security

Web3 projects and their auditors primarily focus on ticking off security compliance checkboxes. However, consolidating security efforts into a singular framework is less common. This leads to organizations needing help to identify their actual security risks and requirements. They find themselves dependent on an assortment of confusing cybersecurity offerings, coupled with fragmented record-keeping.

A few of the common issues noted were:

  • Too many options and a lack of understanding on which solutions are most relevant and beneficial.
  • Unclear starting points for implementing appropriate cybersecurity measures.
  • Confusing action plans derived from combining multiple, disconnected security strategies at the same time.

The emergence of new cyberthreats calls for a novel, unified software solution that can address the complexities of cybersecurity.

[Source: xkcd comics]

A Solution That Resonates

Resonance Security is a full spectrum cybersecurity company that offers powerful cybersecurity aggregation software together with customized guidance. The platform provides access to high-quality offensive security engineering, industry-best cybersecurity products, education, AI solutions, report storage, and more. Even better, it’s all guided by an expert concierge to deliver a customized security experience.

Their comprehensive method is embodied in a proprietary automated security risk analysis scoring dashboard, which motivates clients to pinpoint security threats across all their systems and deploy the appropriate measures to counter them.

The software can complement any audit process, and offers cybersecurity applications, report archiving, evaluation of audit activities, inquiries, scheduling, and customized educational resources. Resonance’s software includes collaborative engineering tools, vulnerability assessments, and reporting tools for any technical level, ensuring that sensitive data remains in-house, and that projects can enjoy effortless cybersecurity protection.

In addition to their unique software, Resonance Security features cybersecurity solutions that ensure digital assets and operations remain secure, and that teams of any technical level can achieve robust cybersecurity. Some of Resonance’s offerings include:

  • Blockchain and Code Audits: To ensure the robustness of blockchain technology, this service offers detailed examinations of the underlying code.
  • Smart Contract Audits: This service conducts thorough evaluations of blockchain smart contracts, which are crucial for maintaining security and reliability, encompassing languages such as Solidity, Rust, Cadence, and more.
  • Penetration Testing: This process identifies potential vulnerabilities in the web2 stack including web and mobile applications and browser extensions, which is essential for preempting web2 security breaches.
  • Cybersecurity Product Listings: A range of vetted cybersecurity solutions are available and accessible to all users, regardless of their technical expertise. This includes a library of curated cybersecurity products tailored for any technology stack..
  • CI/CD and Cloud Security: The service integrates security into continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) processes and extends its coverage to multiple cloud platforms, including AWS, GCP, and Azure.
  • Cybersecurity Education: Offering up-to-date educational materials and training for users to enhance awareness and knowledge about cybersecurity best practices, and stay up to date on evolving attack vectors.
  • Cybersecurity Aggregation and Scoring: This feature allows users to evaluate their cybersecurity standing comprehensively, offering a scoring system that delivers immediate insights and recommendations for improvement, and makes the implementation process effortless

Resonance is establishing itself as an industry leader and innovator by venturing into a niche that explicitly addresses blockchain-related cybersecurity issues, and the web2 security issues that closely tie in. This first of its kind platform has already developed a loyal customer base and reliable partnerships, setting a solid foundation for long-term success.

A rapidly growing sector

This global cybersecurity market is set to increase from $335B in 2023 to $650B in 2030, maintaining a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12.8%.

As businesses adopt blockchain for various applications, from supply chain management to smart contracts, the demand for advanced cybersecurity measures to protect these decentralized systems will increase. A company leveraging blockchain innovation and cybersecurity expertise can cater to this burgeoning need by providing targeted solutions for blockchain security, ensuring that transactions and data remain uncompromised.

A win-win approach

Since its inception, Resonance has fostered collaborative partnerships with entities typically seen as direct competitors. The company’s current product assortment features offerings from standalone product enterprises and auditing firms that seek wider distribution for their specialty tools and products. Resonance has built 3 tools which are integrated with their software allowing users to fully test their cybersecurity like a security engineer no matter what their technical level.

Even competing organizations have expressed enthusiasm about Resonance’s potential to improve the cybersecurity space. This is because Resonance serves to augment cybersecurity product offerings, ensuring that customers gain a comprehensive understanding of product and service advantages, a benefit that conventional online sales channels may not provide.

Other approaches in the space include:


Halborn is a cybersecurity firm specializing in providing blockchain organizations with security services. They assess an organization’s digital assets, streamlining the development process and giving cybersecurity consulting and assessments. Their expertise spans many areas, including blockchain security, cryptocurrency, smart contract audits, penetration testing, incident response, DeFi, blockchain development, red team, offensive security, and more; they focus on blockchain and cryptocurrency.


CertiK is a smart contract auditor that provides a comprehensive suite of tools that help audit, analyze, and review the source code for intelligent contracts powering blockchains and decentralized applications. This audit aims to identify risks, vulnerabilities, code errors, etc. Smart contracts are programs that power transactions worth billions, and hackers can exploit any vulnerability.


Splunk, established in 2003, was created to address challenges in intricate digital environments. Its name, inspired by the idea of exploring data like cave explorers (“spelunkers”), highlights its focus on delving deep into data analysis.

Over the past two decades, as digital technology has become increasingly central and the variety and frequency of disruptions have grown, Splunk has significantly evolved. It has achieved over 1,100 patents, showcasing a solid culture of innovation. This forward-thinking approach has allowed Splunk to anticipate and meet its customers’ changing needs consistently.

Mandiant (Google):

Cybersecurity incidents require diligent preparation, rapid action, and critical asset protection. Mandiant helps you quickly get back to business after a security event. They apply frontline expertise to help transform your cyber defense capabilities to mitigate threats and reduce risk — before, during, and after an incident.

The Visionary

There are exceptional individuals that stand out, whether from their deep understanding of the industry they work in or the ability to look at issues and solve them in new ways. Charles Dray, CEO and Founder of Resonance Security, is one of them.

Charles brings a unique blend of skills and experience to the table. His journey from a career in banking at JPMorgan, Citi, and SMBC to the dynamic world of blockchain and cybersecurity is a testament to his adaptability and foresight. His realization of the flaws in KYC and AML processes over a decade ago set him on a path toward blockchain and emerging technologies.

Recognizing the desperate need for better cybersecurity in the web3 and emerging tech space, he joined Halborn as their first full-time hire, playing a pivotal role in revenue generation. Charles’s remarkable sales background and profound understanding of technology make him a strong and visionary leader for Resonance Security. His team, mostly highly skilled security engineers, shares his vision of bringing top-tier cybersecurity aggregation software to the world to help organizations and individuals stay safe through this ever-evolving landscape.

Concluding Thoughts

The growing adoption of blockchain technology across industries, coupled with the inherent vulnerabilities that come with it, underscores the pressing need for specialized cybersecurity solutions. Resonance’s unique selling proposition lies in its automation, instant full spectrum risk analysis, comprehensive offerings, and adaptability to rapid technological change. Able to work alongside their competitors to benefit both parties.

Blockchain, at its core, promises transparency and security. And that is precisely what Resonance offers: Top-tier cybersecurity solutions, packaged effectively to deliver exactly what web3 and web2 projects really want and need with minimal effort for the projects so they can focus on growth, and make way for a safer and brighter future.



Aly Madhavji 穆亚霖

Tech Entrepreneur | Blockchain & Web3 Investor | Award-Winning Author | UN Consultant | Schwarzman Scholar | Senior Blockchain Fellow INSEAD | Partner at BFF