All You Need to Know About Web 3.0. The Future Iteration of our Internet Should be Even Freer and a lot More Immersive

Alexandru Gavrilovici


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This article was originally published on Neo Vision’s Web Development Agency blog

Hi, there! I’m Alex from Neo Vision, and today I will talk about how the Internet started, evolved, and almost reached its final iteration. I will also tell you what Web 3.0 is, why it matters, and how it will impact our future.

The Internet was a fundamental turning point for every person alive today. Starting with 1990, everyone everywhere could get access to information from anywhere in the world. But, there were hardly any content creators and many more content consumers.

Few people know how the concept of the Internet appeared and what it was initially designed for. In the early 1970s, during the Cold War, scientists from ARPANET (USA) and Cyclades (France) were concerned about a nuclear attack. They decided to collaborate to create a network of networks. In 1977, TCP/IP — the protocol that made communication between different networks possible was put into operation. This was an essential milestone in the Internet’s evolution.

This is where it all started: Web 1.0, where the absence of interactive elements led to the name of the “read-only” Internet. Every beginning is fascinating…

