An Intro to Metis NFTs

3 min readMar 24, 2022


Metis Punk NFT on Metis


What’s the big deal about jpegs of apes anyways?

Following up on my last my thread about the new Metis NFT bridge, I thought it would be crucial to explain what an NFT is to new users who are entering the @MetisDAO ecosystem and what $METIS plans are in building the leading NFT Hub.

So first, what’s an NFT? Well, it’s a non-fungible token. What does that mean? It means that it is a unique digital marker that points to a digital file. This marker, or pointer, cannot be replicated; unlike cryptocurrency tokens which possess identical qualities and can be exchanged for one another without making any difference to a wallet. On the other hand, NFTs are one of a kind tokens 🂡🂱🃑🃁

$1 = $1; 1 Ethereum = 1 Ethereum, 1 Bitcoin = 1 Bitcoin
Fungible Tokens
1 Cat NFT does not equal another Cat NFT; 1 front row ticket does not equal a back row ticket; a House does not equal another house
Non-fungible Tokens


Well interchangeable cryptocurrency is fun and cool to trade! Why do we need unique tokens?! Well, have you ever played Pokemon cards or collected rare sports cards? Wouldn’t be so fun if everybody had your 1st edition Charizard or ultra-rare Kobe Bryant rookie card, would it?

Rare 1st edition Charizard Card
Rare 1st edition Charizard Card
Rare Kobe Bryant Rookie Card
Rare Kobe Bryant Rookie Card

Now you see why @BoredApeYC has taken over the world with the highest profile people collecting it — NFTs build communities! But NFTs are more than just collectible items for collector communities. They can also tokenize assets and contracts! Take a look at this utility chart by $METIS

NFT Utility Chart by Metis
NFT Utility Chart by Metis

Web3 Utility

The world hasn’t even thought of all the possible utilities for NFTs. Real estate, tickets, IDs, and more! We’re just getting started!

The potential for its use in Web3 is seemingly limitless. But there needs to be Web3 infrastructure that can unlock its full capability.

Well that’s where $METIS comes in…

Metis NFT Landscape
Metis NFT Landscape

Like I stated in my previous thread, INTEROPERABILITY is the huge key

Asset silos need to end so NFTs can become chain and layer agnostic. That’s when the Web3 economy can truly be unleashed

If you missed my last thread, well yeah you guessed it — $METIS is solving that…

Metis NFT Hub Thread


NFT borrowing/lending and fractionalization should accelerate on $METIS for its low transaction fees. Fast and cheap access to liquidity for NFT holders can put the NFT market on $METIS into OVERDRIVE. We are so early. I haven’t even mentioned metaverse and gaming potential!


Here’s one example of an upcoming P2E NFT game scheduled to release in April called MetisKart by @MetisCats

Future NFT Blue Chips

Some of my other favorite NFT projects unlocking the potential of Andromeda at the moment are…





There are so many more being released as I write… Idk if we’re ready for blastoff!

Much love and blessings to my Metis community.

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Web3 Content Writer, Community Buidler, & DEGENERATE