Anatomy Rust Security: Resource Exhaustion (OOM)



Illustration by Andrew Averkin on Arstation

Rust’s memory management system is based on the concept of ownership, borrowing, and lifetimes. These features ensure that memory is managed safely and efficiently, minimizing the risk of memory leaks, buffer overflows, and other memory related vulnerabilities.

In Rust, every value has a unique owner, and ownership can be transferred or borrowed through references. When a value goes out of scope, Rust automatically deallocates the memory associated with it. This ownership model allows Rust to enforce strict memory safety guarantees at compile-time, eliminating the need for garbage collection or manual memory management.

Rust also provides mechanisms such as reference counting (Rc<T>) and atomic reference counting (Arc<T>) to manage shared ownership of values across multiple threads or scopes. These mechanisms help prevent data races and ensure thread-safe memory management in concurrent applications.

For more detailed information, please see the first post in the Anatomy Rust Security series.

Although the above mentioned features make Rust a robust programming language, like any other programming language, Rust applications are susceptible to security vulnerabilities. One prevalent vulnerability that can compromise both the performance and security of Rust applications is resource exhaustion. This post aims to delve into the concept of resource exhaustion vulnerabilities in Rust applications and provide insights into effective practices for mitigating them.

Resource exhaustion vulnerabilities occur when an application consumes an excessive amount of system resources, such as memory, CPU, or network bandwidth. This can lead to degraded performance, increased response times, and in some cases, even denial of service attacks. Understanding these vulnerabilities is crucial for developers to ensure the resilience and stability of their applications.

Below, you’ll find several instances of memory vulnerabilities in Rust, along with potential solutions to address them.

Case 1. Unbounded Vector Allocation

Take a moment to carefully analyze and scrutinize the subsequent code provided below. This code specifically deals with the task of reading a file and then proceeding to process each line of its contents in a sequential manner.

If the file "foo.txt” contains a large number of lines, the lines vector will consume a lot of memory, potentially leading to an out of memory error. To prevent this kind of vulnerability, you have the option of utilizing an iterator instead of a The solution is as follows:

This way, the program’s memory consumption will be reduced since it will only need to store a single line in memory at any given moment.

Case 2. Unbounded String Allocation

Consider the following code that reads a file and processes its contents line by line.

If the file "foo.txt” contains a large number of lines and words, the output string will consume a lot of memory, potentially leading to an out of memory error. To avoid this type of vulnerability, you can use a data structure with a fixed size, such as an array or a vector, to store the concatenated words, as follows.

Best Practices

Preventing resource exhaustion vulnerabilities in Rust applications requires a proactive approach and adherence to best practices. Here are some key strategies to consider:

1. Properly Manage Memory Allocation and Deallocation

Rust’s ownership and borrowing system provides powerful tools for managing memory efficiently. It is crucial to ensure that memory is allocated only when necessary and released as soon as it is no longer needed. Properly handling ownership and borrowing can help prevent memory leaks and mitigate memory exhaustion vulnerabilities.

2. Monitor Resource Usage and set Thresholds

Monitoring the resource usage of Rust applications is essential for identifying potential vulnerabilities and taking proactive measures to prevent resource exhaustion. By setting thresholds for resource consumption, developers can receive alerts when usage exceeds predefined limits, allowing them to investigate and address any issues promptly.

3. Implement Rate Limiting

Rate limiting is an effective technique for preventing resource exhaustion vulnerabilities, especially in applications that handle a large volume of requests. By setting limits on the number of requests that can be processed within a certain time frame, rate limiting ensures that an application does not become overwhelmed and can maintain consistent performance.

Implementing Rate Limiting to Resource Exhaustion

There are several approaches to implementing rate limiting in Rust applications. One common technique is to use a token bucket algorithm, where tokens are replenished at a fixed rate and consumed by each incoming request. If a request arrives when no tokens are available, it is either dropped or delayed until tokens become available again.

Another approach is to use sliding window counters, where a fixed number of requests are allowed within a sliding time window. If the number of requests exceeds the limit, subsequent requests are either dropped or delayed.

Whichever approach is chosen, it is important to consider factors such as the desired throughput, the expected load on the application, and any potential burst scenarios. Careful tuning and testing are necessary to ensure that the rate limiting strategy effectively mitigates resource exhaustion vulnerabilities without impacting the normal operation of the application.

For more detailed information, please see this post.


Resource exhaustion vulnerabilities can have a significant impact on the security and performance of Rust applications. By understanding the different types of vulnerabilities and implementing best practices, such as proper memory management, rate limiting, and monitoring, developers can mitigate these vulnerabilities and ensure the resilience and stability of their applications.

Furthermore, using tools and frameworks specifically designed for identifying and mitigating resource exhaustion vulnerabilities, such as Rust Analyzer, Clippy, and Cargo Audit, can assist developers in addressing potential issues early in the development process.

I am grateful to Alp Onaran for his discreet support in crafting this post.

See you soon, take care 🎄





Cyber Security Engineer @ BtcTurk 🚀 | #RustSecurity | #BlockchainSecurity | Lotr & Foundation Lover | Enthusiast the Decentralized Web 🌐 | TR: ahmets.eth