Animal Farm Crypto: Ultimate Guide To Playing The Right Way

13 min readSep 24, 2022


Animal Farm Crypto

Animal Farm Crypto is a whole ecosystem of Defi investment opportunities but for this article, I want to discuss one of the least understood parts of it. The Garden!

Next to Drip this is one of my favourite projects but also one that is or at least appears to be the least understood by the majority of the player base. I say player base because it is indeed a game and like all games, it does have rules. Essentially it boils down to how good a player is.

Let’s dive in and see if we can make a better player out of you 🙂

Animal Farm Interface

I have to say I’m loving the new UI and also the new Pig imagery. The farm itself is all on pause while Forex (The head of the project) works on the new features for Version 2 which is launching in late October 2022.

What is available for you to get started in is the Garden and it is this that the article will focus on. On 22/09/2022 we were treated to the launch of the new UI for Animal Farm and If you look today this is the new entry screen to the project.

As I said Animal Farm Crypto is a whole ecosystem but I only want to focus today on the Animal Farm Garden aspect of it. So I’m going to structure the start of this article by showing you how to get involved in Animal Farm Crypto and then I shall show you my wallet and finally my strategy for play.

But before you do any of that and if you are new to Crypto and especially Defi you are going to need a MetaMask wallet to be able to interact with The Animal farm ecosystem. I recommend that you go and read my MetaMask The Right Way article. Once you have read that and got yourself set up with a MetaMask wallet you can come back here and carry on.

All set up and ready to go? Good, let’s begin then. Please select “Liquidity” and then “Drip Liberation” like so in the screenshot below.

The Old Animal Farm UI

You are now going to jump back to the old version of the Animal Farm Crypto UI. This might change when you come to read this article but the process will be the same. Once the whole of the UI has changed over I shall revisit this article and re write it to include the new screens.

This is where you will likely end up at the moment. You can access this page by using my referral link and becoming part of my Animal Farm team. At some point, I hope Forex will add air drops like he did for Drip in which case I will be able to airdrop down plants.

The URL for this old version is just to make sure you’re on the right page.

Once here I want you to Liberate some Drip and we do that by using BUSD token. If you don’t have any BUSD in your wallet you need to go and buy some BUSD from one of your favourite exchanges (I use Binance) and then send it to your MetaMask wallet ready to use in the Animal Farm.

Once you have the BUSD in your MetaMask wallet you can connect to the site by pressing the connect button top right. I should add here that once you have BUSD in your wallet you can use the new UI for this process. I shall stick to the old UI but the process is the same.

When you click on connect this window will pop up. Select MetaMask here (If that is your wallet of choice) and then MetaMask will pop up with a verification message for you to sign. Sign the message and you will be connected to the site.

As you can see the 100 BUSD that I just bought has arrived in my wallet ready to Liberate.

As your BUSD arrives in your wallet there will be a short pause and then it will appear in this window. Press on MAX and then you are ready to click on Supply.

You are now ready to supply so press the big green “Confirm Supply” button.

Click on “Confirm Supply” next and then sign the MetaMask message that pops up.

You will see a window confirming the transaction. If you have not already please click on “Add Cake-LP to MetaMask” and then DRIP/BUSD LP tokens will appear in your wallet called Cake-LP.

Cake LP is shown in my wallet.

Buying Plants

Next, you need to go to the Drip Garden in the left-hand menu and you will see your Cake LP in “Input”. Hit max as I have and the Buy Plants button will pop up telling you how many plants you will get for your DRIP/BUSD LP Tokens.

All happy? Click on Buy Plants, and sign the MetaMask message to confirm the transaction. Then refresh the screen and you will see your plants appear. As you can see my balance has increased to just under 5 million plants on this wallet.

Well done if you got his far. You now have some plants growing in your garden. Like Drip you now have two choices:

1. Compound your plants each day to grow your garden and increase your daily LP production.

2. Harvest your plants each day and split the LP up on PancakeSwap to sell for money.

What you do depends on you and your circumstances but there are rules you need to be aware of in order to play this game correctly. These rules are as follows.

The Rules of the Game

All gardens and players are not equal.
A player that buys 5 million plants will jump straight to over 30 LP daily production. I have 5 million plants and have 27 daily LP production from mainly growing and taking profits on occasion. Don’t compare your garden with others.

There are optimum times to compound.
When the decay is bad it is better to compound.

There are optimum times to sell and take profits.
When the decay is not so bad it is better to harvest and take profits.

Your wallet pays you 3.3% daily interest on plant value in LP.

Don’t look at the daily $$$ production value look at the daily LP production figure which is how many Drip/BUSD tokens you are getting.
The $$$ value is affected by BUSD and DRIP price and plant value.

Plants decay daily and this decay rate varies and is based on contract balance, LP Value Drip/BUSD price, Plant sales, New plants bought and maybe even some Forex black magic which I am yet to figure out! Don’t worry about it. Just try and stay positive on LP growth. If you just claim or claim at the wrong times you will empty your wallet and kill your LP production.

Out of the above rules, the MAIN RULE is this:

You must balance claiming and taking profits to keep your LP production positive. It is ok for it to dip negative but you must then compound it back hard to get it positive, otherwise decay will overtake your garden and you will lose the game and your garden will turn to weeds.

For myself, I am only interested in growing the largest gardens that I can and not taking profits at all. I am doing this because I envisage that with the launch of Version 2 of Animal farm there will be much interest in the whole ecosystem and with interest comes new money.

The new money will bring much higher prices and I will be in a position to harvest gardens that are producing over $500 a day each.

Like Drip I expect this whole ecosystem to continue to grow and I want to position myself to reap the best rewards. As such I have quite a few gardens on the go. This is my strategy but everyone is different.

How Do I Play Animal Farm Crypto?

I have spent months pouring over apps, data and spreadsheets trying to figure out this game! I’ve watched way too many YouTube videos and compared my wallets to others when I have managed to get a sneak peek in a YouTube video.

From all of that information, I determined the above rules. In saying this I am always trying new things to see if the contract is changing as a wallet gets larger for example and if I can adjust my compounding strategy to make it even sweeter in terms of LP gain. And to win this game you DO NEED to master LP gain.

If you take a look at the spreadsheet in the link you can see my strategy on one of my wallets over the past few weeks. I have tried daily compounding, twice daily, 3 times daily and then Hyper Compounding daily (every hour through the waking day).

Out of all these the hyper compounding produced the best LP growth as you can see from the sheet. I am yet to try this out on a smaller wallet (Less than 1 million plants) to see if Plant garden size affects the hyper compound strategy and I know that not all of you sit in front of a desktop all day so to the hyper compound is not optimal for all players.

Just so that you are clear Hyper Compound is when you literally compound your garden every hour each day as much as you can. You do NOT need to do this to stay ahead of decay but understand that sometimes decay will get your garden even if you compound twice daily and take no profits as can be seen from my sheet and my data. I only compound this wallet and even so I have days where I lose LP.

Please feel free to take a copy of the sheet below so you can track your own compounding strategy.

Garden Compounding and Tracking Sheet

Open the sheet and select “File” / “Make a Copy” Then save the sheet with a name of your choice.

Tools and Tracking

I use the following tools to track my Gardens progress.

Drip Overwatch

Drip Overwatch

This one I love and I use it to take my data for the sheet both before and after planting. You can donate a small amount of BNB and get access to all its features. This is what one of my wallets looks like today in the Overwatch interface.


I love Dune. It shows you all sorts of information on the garden but also your own wallet. Simply add your wallet address at the top and click “Apply all parameters”. One of the most important screens is this one.

What this is showing me is my wallet LP decay per day. The left-hand screen is showing Overall LP decay daily and the right-hand screen is showing LP decay per plant. Suffice it to say the smaller the bars here the better.

You can see that even though I ONLY compound or DCA (Dollar Cost Average) in this wallet, there are many times where the daily decay is up to or over 4%. Now as your wallet only produces 3.3% per day that is where you get decay on your garden and plants.

This chart is always delayed so it can’t really be used to predict your decay but it can show patterns of when to claim and when to compound by looking back at the data and using it as a model for prediction. In my wallets, I tend to see a few days grouped together where I am under -3% and then a few days where it is over 3.3%. If you have a day with say -3.9% decay and you also harvest on that day you will do more damage to your daily LP production.

If you must take profits try to figure out a day when you will be under -3.3% on decay!

This screen shows you where your wallet stacks up against the other players. As you can see this wallet is way over to the right in the 4 to 5 million range of which there are 90 other wallets also at that level. On the other side to the left, there are 1472 new players with 10 plants or less (me not so long ago now).

This graph shows how many plants per LP token you can buy over time. This graph is why new players get more plants than I did when I started this wallet. I think my first purchase was just two plants and then I bought 300 and grew the garden from their Dollar Cost Averaging in on occasion.

Alpha Wallet

I took this screenshot from Mike Tha Investor YouTube channel. He had been sent some content from an Alpha whale in the garden and it is interesting to look at for comparison sake with my own.

Look at the daily LP production compared to mine! 118.7149. I can see that at my growth rate when I have 16,874,157 plants I will NOT be at 118 LP production per day. I think I will be around 30.1 depending on the decay of course but it won’t be far off.

The reason for this is because I have GROWN my garden to that level and he has BOUGHT his garden to that level! He has put in over $30000 (probably more if he DCA in) and I have put in about $3500. This is why I say that you should not compare your wallets with Alphas or indeed anyone else for that matter.

Each garden is its own individual story and journey!

Let’s look at what happens if I bought that amount of plants today.

If you bought his wallet today it would cost you $28,522 so clearly, there is some time delay between today and when he took the screenshot to send his wallet to Mike because to have a wallet valued at $33,868 you need 20,000,000 Plants to buy in today.

The ONLY way you can kick start your daily LP production in large chunks is to DCA in more money!

Harvesting Or Not

This is your biggest decision in Animal farm and indeed the whole Drip ecosystem. Do I harvest or compound? Scott did an interesting video today which gave me an insight into his strategy and also his wallet. His wallet looks like this.

Scott’s wallet at 4 million plants.

My Wallet at just over 5 million plants

He has been harvesting quite a lot and for 4 million plants he has an LP production of 22 as you can see. I have 5 million plants and have an LP production of 28. Scott is only about 8 days away from 5 million plants if he compounds daily and does not harvest. BUT when he gets to 5 million plants his LP will only be at 22.8 or around there.

For Scott to get to 28 where I am he would take around 164 days of only compounding depending on the decay of course. So our wallets are only 1 million plants apart but a long way apart in terms of daily LP production.

This is totally fine. I’m not in any way criticising Scott’s strategy I am just highlighting it to show the comparison between his and my wallet and how claiming affects LP. It’s up to you to decide what your strategy is but you must bear in mind that claiming does affect your daily LP growth a lot.

I hope this gives you some idea of what to do with your garden. If want to join the Animal Farm Crypto Garden you can use my referral link which is this

I am NOT a financial advisor. Nothing in this article is to be construed as investment advice. You MUST DYOR (Do Your Own Research) Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. The article may contain affiliate links. Thank you for taking the time to read my article If you wish you can subscribe. My articles and guides are designed to help you to navigate the often confusing world that is Crypto.

Enjoy and happy Gardening

Originally published at on September 24, 2022.

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