Announcing sec3 WatchTower: Smart Threat Monitor for Smart Contracts

sec3 (formerly Soteria)


We are glad to announce the first release of sec3 WatchTower: an in-situ threat monitoring service for Solana smart contracts to detect, prevent and stop security attacks in real time.

sec3 WatchTower has three amazing features:

  1. Pro-active monitoring: it alerts suspicious attacks even before they actually happen. This capability is uniquely powered by sec3’s smart monitor engine based on the Solana programming model. More technical details can be found in this article.
  2. Customized monitoring: it monitors customized security policies including protocol-specific cross-transaction rules and cross-chain invariants.
  3. Anomaly monitoring: it detects abnormal transactions through continuously-learned and auto-tuned invariants in sec3’s smart monitor engine.

In addition, WatchTower provides a list of built-in default monitors for common attacks, such as:

  • abnormal token transfers
  • rug pulls
  • flash loans
  • fake input accounts
  • round-trip-trades
  • cross-chain bridge attacks

A dashboard of sec3 WatchTower is shown below:

