Answers to 8 questions-8

Get Diffusion
3 min readJun 14, 2022


Question 1

What is the total volume of DFSsl issued and what is it based on?

Answer 1

The total circulation of DFSsl is 100M, but not all DFSsl will be circulated. It is determined by the attention of DiffusionDAO and the number of fans. Simply put, the more fans, there is the more DFSsl there will be in circulation.

Question 2

Will DiffusionDAO participate in more arenas in the future?

Answer 2

In the upcoming development, DiffusionDAO will gradually improve the ecological content. Our plan is to create a diversified Web 3.0 network space, so that many elements will be added in the future, and users will have a richer experience in DiffusionDAO.

Question 3

Where does the future of DiffusionDAO lies?

Answer 3

DiffusionDAO will definitely become one of the most important cornerstones of Web 3.0 in the future. On top of this, DiffusionDAO will enrich the ecosystem content and launch more arenas to allow more people to participate in order to form a diverse ecosystem.

Question 4

Currently, the known substitute and or actual tokens are DFS, DFSsl, PDFS, CDFS, will there be other types? and how are they related?

Answer 4

DFS is the native token of DiffusionDAO and is the core token, PDFS is the private token of DFS; DFSsl is the reward token issued according to the attention factor proposed by DiffusionDAO; CDFS is the reward token for those who have contributed to the community ecosystem . All tokens are for DFS services and ecosystem development services. At present, we have no plans of issuing other types of tokens.

Question 5

DiffusionDAO is built on the BSC chain. Which public chains will it cooperate with in the future? Will it launch its own public chain?

Answer 5

So far, we have no plans of establishing our own public chain. With the development of ecosystem, we will cooperate with more ecosystems and public chains to enhance the influence of DFS. Therefore, making DFS the cornerstone of the entire industry.

Question 6

What is the total circulation of DFS? Will it face a currency price crash caused by over-issuing?

Answer 6

There is no limit to the number of DFS issuance, but the casting of each DFS is completed through the sale of bonds, which is well established and not generated out of thin air. Each DFS is backed by assets, in order for DFS not to crash.

Question 7

Based on the current value of DFSsl, you have a lot of airdrops, why are you willing to give so many tokens for airdrop rewards?

Answer 7

Thank you for your attention. The purpose of conducting airdrop is to allow more people to know about DiffusionDAO and improve the attention factor. With the improvement of the attention factor, we will release more DFSsl, which is in line with the development plan of DiffusionDAO.

Question 8

I saw in the article that you have a multi-metaverse plan, what kind of plan will it be?

Answer 8

Currently, we are planning to launch 6 metaverses consequtively, including various aspects, to enrich the ecosystem of DiffusionDAO. Please look forward to the specific contents released. Follow us on our social media like Twitter and Discord for more information.

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