Apple Rumored to Be Partnering With Strike for Bitcoin Lightning Payments

2 min readMar 29, 2022


The Bitcoin rumor-mill is in full flow in the run up to the Bitcoin 2022 conference in Miami during April 6–9. Following a number of not so cryptic tweets from Jack Mallers, CEO of the Bitcoin and payments app Strike, the charismatic founder is expected to announce a partnership between Apple and Strike to enable Bitcoin Lightning payments on the tech giant’s devices.

The Lightning network is a payments layer built on top of the bitcoin network that allows for near instant and free transactions, more suitable for payments at scale than the Bitcoin base layer.

While teasing potential content on Twitter for his keynote announcement speech at the Bitcoin 2022 event, Mallers wore an Apple baseball cap and then tweeted out Apple’s famous “Think different” advert “here’s to the crazy ones…”

More large companies are expected to use the Strike API or some versions of the Lightning Network to make payments in the future. Because the Bitcoin Lightning Network provides the same efficient payment binaries as those currently used by PayPal, Visa, and Mastercard; ultimately, the Lightning Network will be able to attract more users as it more effectively provides a global standard for money settlement.




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