How Do I create an NFT game like Axie Infinity?

John Benjamin
Published in
4 min readJun 11, 2024


In this gaming era, entrepreneurs are planning to launch innovative gaming software on the market to attract a wider gaming audience. Every imagination and innovation of the game developers will turn into revenue and also help to create a storm in the gaming industry. Most of the gaming entrepreneurs are developing NFT-based games. In this blog, we are going to talk about the popular NFT gaming software, Axe Infinity. Let’s talk elaborately about the basic concept of axie infinity and how to create it without any bugs or issues.

What is Axie Infinity?

Axie Infinity is a popular NFT-based blockchain game that incorporates characteristics of both decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Players can gather, breed, nurture, battle, and trade virtual animals known as “Axies”. This game was created by the Vietnamese studio Sky Mavis. The Ethereum blockchain network is highly preferred among game developers to build NFT-based games. Axie Infinity clone script is a pre-built software program that imitates the main elements and operations of the original game, Axie Infinity.

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Explore the Elite Features Integrated into the Axie Infinity Clone:

Amazing features are incorporated into the Axie infinity clone gaming platform.

Breeding Mechanism: This feature allows the users to create a new unique attribute axie by breeding the two different characteristic axie creatures. Players can use this axis for battle and trading to enhance the game play.

Axie Infinity Shards: This is a type of governance token that allows the player to be involved in a decision-making process regarding the development and update of the software. By staking this token, users will also get more rewards.

Special Events: To enhance the gaming mood of the players, various events and competitions will be conducted, like tournaments, special battles, etc. On these special occasions, players will have the opportunity to earn exclusive rewards and prizes.

NFT MarketPlace: This feature helps the players exchange their gaming assets with other players, like buying, selling, and trading the axes and other accessories, etc.

List the Various Benefits of using Axie Infinity Clone Software:

Various benefits of cloning the axie infinity are mentioned below.

Personalization: Axie Infinity Clone allows users to customize the platform as per their needs and requirements. It enables developers to add the features, mechanics, and design of the game to produce unique and competitive gaming software.

Cost Efficiency: It will help to minimize development expenses like designing, developing, and testing a game from scratch, etc. It will be highly cost effective.

Proven Concept: Axie Infinity is one of the proven business models. So, there is no need for any additional marketing promotions for this gaming software. It will also reduce various risk factors.

Multi Platform Support: Users can access and play this gaming software in their preferred device, such as a mobile, laptop, PC, etc. They can conveniently use this platform in the suitable locations.

How does the Axie Infinity Game Works?

Account registration: First, the user needs to register an official account in the software after the platform is downloaded from the app store. They need to provide the necessary information and details.

Crypto Deposit: Once the account setup is over, deposit your cryptocurrencies in the respective wallet for storing the winning money and trading the axies creatures.

Collect Axies: Axies are digital creatures that can be obtained through gaming or by buying them from the in-game shop. Once you have enough axies just put together a squad of axies, each with special skills, attributes, and strengths for engaging in the battle.

Ready for the Battle: Once the team is formed, get ready for the battle. Players can compete with other players or with opponents managed by a computer. Complete the game’s numerous tasks and challenges to develop the story plots.

Reward Earnings: Win the cryptocurrencies or in-game tokens through completing missions, emerging victorious in tournaments, and obtaining Small Love Potions (SLP).

How to Create an NFT Game Like Axie Infinity?

To create a NFT game like axie infinity, every entrepreneur needs a strong blockchain development team to craft amazing gaming software. So, connect with a highly sophisticated axie infinity clone script provider to build a NFT game like axie infinity. I recommend picking the clone software instead of designing the platform from scratch. Here is the development process of the axie infinity clone app.

  • Define the core concept of the game.
  • Craft the main characters and assets.
  • Build the game mechanism.
  • Incorporate blockchain technology.
  • Execute the play-to-earn model.
  • Implement the NFT Marketplace.
  • Test, Launch, and Iterate


I want to conclude this session with some interesting points about this axie infinity clone game. It will provide unlimited fun and entertainment to gamers of all age groups. Every gaming entrepreneur is expecting that this gaming platform will be the biggest revenue-generating factor for users. In the future, it’s going to create a lot of magic in the gaming industry with its unique functionalities and features. Blockchain will be a key factor in developing this platform to guarantee the safety and security of all players.



John Benjamin

Hey there, I'm John, and I write stuff. I love telling stories and making content that keeps people interested. I'm always trying out new ways to write better.