Babylon Dimanche: Interview with an Emerging NFT Artist

Published in
5 min readFeb 22, 2022


Lunifty is building a brand on supporting artists, creating new financial opportunities for creatives and forming lasting partnerships with talented individuals. We’re honored to have Babylon as one of the first artists in the gallery.

NFTs have created exciting new pathways in the evolution of digital art. Artists are able to sell their artwork in a decentralized marketplace where buyers and sellers can meet, explore and trade in the relatively secure space digital trust provides. However, if an artist has never made a crypto-transaction or had a crypto-wallet, entering the marketplace can be overwhelming.

To bridge the gap; Lunifty buys from artists who want to join the NFT space. There’s no NDA so artists are free to share what we pay and their experience with us. Each partnership is different and catered to the needs of the artist, whether they want to branch into the NFT space or want to sell their art for set price — we’re adaptable.

As soon as we saw Babylons’ work we knew it would be a perfect fit for a first series. Since when the Lunifty Gallery was still on paper we have been drawing inspiration from the 90’s space opera The 5th Element. Babylon’s 5 Element series was too good to pass up.

we even commissioned two more

The team believes in connecting NFT collectors with the Artist behind the NFT. You’re not just getting an investment and a work of art, you’re helping someone continue to make the world cooler with their talents.

In the spirit of creating meaningful connections with the artists behind the NFT; here is our interview with Babylon, an incredible digital artist who is emerging into the NFT space:

What forms of media have you worked in, which media do you enjoy working in the most?

I come from a fine arts background, so I have tried everything, but that lead me to graphic design and digital art which is where my heart is. I find it easier to focus on the creation than making everything accurate in terms of lighting and shading, so I have been working in Blender for the last year. I spent about a decade working with Photoshop and Illustrator and ended up teaching myself 3D modelling. Apart from that, my favorite fine arts media are coloured pencils, collage, and mixed media on objects. I also do video editing, I had a piece in Videodrome 2015 at the MOCA which was experimental. I love making the videos too, so I started making my own music for them and I have one in the works.

What are some things that inspire you to create?

The most common theme you will find in my work is duality — the concept of two opposing forces. The fact that to have the benefits of both, one needs to attain balance — something I am always striving for in my own life. Otherwise, I’m inspired heavily by surrealism, tarot, and the occult.

What would you like people to take from the images you create?

Honestly, what I’d like people to take from what I create is that it is okay to be different, to think differently, and to create what makes you happy to see or hear or feel. Much of my art has to do with darkness and finding light in the darkness, exploring themes that have to do with mental health and internal struggles — something everyone can relate to.

When did you hear about NFTs?

I heard about NFTs a few years ago. Friends and others have been coming to me and telling me about how I need to get into it because they feel that my art would do well in a digital art-centric internet-based market.

Who is/are your favorite artist/s?

It sounds cliché but my favorite artist forever has been Salvador Dali. I feel like looking at his works as a preteen and onward has helped me look at art and composition in a different way. There’s always something to look at and think about, and the way that he makes correlations between objects and ideas has always been interesting to me.

If you could achieve anything through art, what would be your ultimate goal?

My ultimate goal through art would be to raise enough money to open an art therapy studio for those who struggle with their mental health. I know that it has helped me through my darkest times and I’d like to try and help others as much as I can, in the way that I know best.

Why did you create the Five Elements Series?

For the 5 Elements series, I wanted to take time to focus on each element as a piece. Take it back to basics. So often we find ourselves overwhelmed with information and disconnected from nature. There are things we can learn from each element in terms of attributes and connections.

When things feel overwhelming, we are told to break it into baby steps. I wanted to take a look at each element separately in several facets: attributes, the platonic solids, symbolism, and imagery. The platonic solids appear throughout nature, from crystals to human DNA, which shows an underlying mathematical connection between all matter that I find fascinating. I have not yet cracked the code, but I wanted to share some of the aspects I found interesting, in the hopes that they might form new connections or new thoughts for someone else as they have for me.

How can readers find more of your artwork?

Instagram is the best way to find me right now, @babsdimanche, you can see my progression from fine arts through to what I do now!

You can find Babylons’ Element NFTs for sale on Opensea Here
This artist receives 30% of all sales as well as assistance creating their own NFTs.

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The First Virtual Art Gallery on the Moon. @Lunifty on twitter. Luniftyart on Instagram. Join our Discord at