Basic Cryptocurrency Definitions (Part 4)

Ether Crunch
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2024


  • API: The set of rules that allow different applications to communicate/interact with one another.
  • Atomic Swap: A type of crypto swap where an exchange is made directly between two parties without the involvement of any third-party.
  • Audit: An audit determines the validity, security, and transparency of a blockchain network, typically used to enhance consumer trust in certain blockchains.
  • Cryptography: A method for keeping information secure and secret by converting it into indecipherable codes.
  • Encryption: The process of encrypting or converting information into a form which prevents unauthorized access
  • ICO: Initial Coin Offering, where investors are given the opportunity to support a new crypto project
  • KYC: Know Your Customer, identity checks carried out by the exchanges on customers
  • Orphan block/Stale Block: A block that has been solved yet not accepted by the blockchain
  • P2P: Peer-to-Peer, refers to transactions that are made directly from between two people.
  • Satoshi: The smallest unit of Bitcoin, 100 million satoshis to one bitcoin
  • Terahash: The rate at which computers/networks can guess a trillion hashes.
  • Volume: The net amount of crypto being traded in a market at a certain time
  • Volatility: Market conditions where crypto prices rise and fall rapidly/unpredictably.
  • Wei: The smallest unit of Ethereum, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 Wei = 1 Ethereum
  • Yield: The return on an investment
  • Zero confirmation: A transaction that has yet to be confirmed on the blockchain.



Ether Crunch

No opinions, just sharing info about Crypto, Ethereum, and Blockchain in general. Ihsun Yousafzai