Best Stablecoin Yields Greater than 20% — Optimistic Edition (February 2023)



Hi folks, so I’ll be publishing a follow-up monthly article probably later this week about some of the best stablecoin yields across all the major chains, but in my research process, I found so many good opportunities on Optimism that I ultimately decided to compile a completely separate list highlighting the best Optimistic strategies that I’ve seen.

Normally in my stablecoin articles, I have a strict criteria of only including strategies that have no lock-ups, but in order to stabilize platform liquidity needed for trading/leveraging, a trend that I’ve noticed is that many platforms (as you’ll also see in the following strategies) will require a lock-up for at least 3 days or so. In addition, some of these strategies will pay out at least partially if not all in alt-coins (in most cases the $OP token). Now of course it’s up to you and your own risk appetite for your exposure into alts, but if we’re truly going into alt-season, this may not be a bad thing.

As far as the other criteria go, I will still try to stay away from:

  1. Algo-backed stablecoins: After the Terra death spiral, it will be some time before I trust anything that’s linked algorithmically again.
  2. Only DeFi platforms/exchanges: The general consensus is that DeFi platforms are…




I’ve made a ton of mistakes along the way in the world of cryptos. Hopefully taking some of the lessons learned you’ll be more successful than I have.