Binance’s Complex Dance: Navigating China’s Crypto Landscape Amid Global Scrutiny.

Coin Genetics
3 min readDec 25, 2023


Hey crypto enthusiasts! 🚀 Durgesh is back, and boy, do I have a wild ride to share with you today. Buckle up because we’re diving into the quirky world of Binance, China’s crypto cravings, and the not-so-ordinary dance between regulations and innovation.

Binance’s Legal Tap Dance in China 🕺

So, there’s this dude named Chen Guangying, a mysterious figure in Binance’s China tale. Last year, when a nosy reporter tried to play Sherlock with Binance’s legal ties to China, CZ (that’s Changpeng Zhao, the Binance bigwig) went full Shakespeare on the company blog, denying any Chinese links. Drama much? 😂

Despite the denial waltz, China seems more important to Binance than ever. Why? Well, a whopping $4.3 billion fine and a criminal conviction in the U.S., coupled with crypto regulations tightening their grip globally, have turned the spotlight on China’s crypto playground.

The China Affair: Binance’s Secret Salsa 🌶️

While Binance claims it’s not officially dancing in China’s crypto scene, it’s like that sneaky friend who attends the party through the back door. Users from mainland China sign up, claiming to be in Taiwan (shh, don’t tell Beijing), and Binance keeps the crypto party going strong.

And oh, did I mention the size of this shindig? In May alone, China-based customers accounted for a fifth of Binance’s crypto action, pumping in a cool $90 billion. That’s no small fiesta! 💃

Regulations, Schmegulations: Binance’s Survival Tango 💃

Now, with crypto bans waving their serious flags in China, you’d expect Binance to pack up its dancing shoes. But no! The ban seems as effective as a chocolate teapot. 🍫

Using crypto in China is like using a VPN — maybe illegal, but nobody’s really cracking down. It’s a bit of a grey area, like dancing on the edge of a crypto cliff.

Binance’s Big Advantage: Size Matters, Baby! 📈

Binance is the Godzilla of crypto exchanges, towering over rivals like OKX and HTX. With 60 million visitors (twice the competition), it’s the go-to spot for crypto enthusiasts. Why? Because finding buyers and sellers is as easy as finding emojis in a text message! 😜

Binance’s Comedy of Errors: Regulatory Hiccups and Affiliation Shenanigans 🤷‍♂️

Picture this: Binance is like that mischievous kid who’s constantly in trouble but somehow gets away with it. It’s facing challenges in the U.S., UK, Germany, Japan, and even the Philippines, but the real party’s still rocking in China.

Despite warnings that Binance isn’t for mainland China, users find more loopholes than a Swiss cheese. Some even get approved faster than a pizza delivery in a hungry college dorm! 🍕

And let’s not forget the backstage drama — Binance’s affiliate program. Affiliates, most of them Chinese, are like the VIPs of this crypto carnival. They get workshops in the Maldives and hefty commissions. It’s like a crypto MLM scheme, but with more palm trees.

The Great Binance Circus Continues: Enter Richard Teng 🎪

Now, there’s a new ringmaster in town — Richard Teng, Binance’s CEO. Will he spill the beans on where Binance’s headquarters really is? Nope! It’s a mystery, like trying to find Waldo in a crypto-themed puzzle book.

China, with its ever-tolerant stance, seems too crucial for Binance to ignore. As global crypto regulations do the cha-cha, Binance is doing its own interpretative dance, and China’s still clapping along.

Conclusion: Binance’s Crypto Odyssey — From China with Love? 💙

In the grand scheme of crypto theatrics, Binance’s China connection is a plot twist worthy of a Hollywood blockbuster. It’s a comedy, drama, and thriller all rolled into one. As Binance keeps the crypto confetti flying, we’ll be here, popcorn in hand, watching this circus unfold. Stay tuned, crypto amigos! 🍿💻



Coin Genetics

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