Bitcoin Can’t Make You Rich

The Secret Nobody Tells You.

Ryan Mitchell ℝℳ★
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2024


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Bitcoin: Wealth Preservation, Not a Get-Rich-Quick Scheme

Bitcoin is not going to make you rich.

I’m sorry to tell you, but it’s true.

Now, Bitcoin is a great escape from fiat if you’re looking to exit fiat permanently.

Get into Bitcoin as a long-term wealth preservation tool.

Rock and roll, man, cool.

The Value of 0.1 Bitcoin

But if you have 0.1 Bitcoin, which is a lot — that’s $4,000, which is a lot of money for many people — let’s keep that real.

If you can afford one whole Bitcoin at today’s prices, I have news for you: you’re already rich.


You have $40,000 in free cash that you can invest in one Bitcoin, which I’m assuming is not 100% of your portfolio.

So, you probably have a portfolio worth a million dollars or more.

Congratulations, you’re winning! For many people, getting 0.1 Bitcoin is a pretty mighty goal.

Bitcoin as a Wealth Preservation Tool

If you’re using Bitcoin as a wealth preservation tool and an exit from fiat, that’s fantastic.

But if you’re looking to speculate in crypto and try to get rich, it’s not going to be Bitcoin.

That 0.1 BTC you buy today might be worth $20,000 or $25,000 according to some of the most bullish price predictions for this cycle.

Not bad — you’ve definitely made money, and that’s nothing to be shy about.

Now, if we get a 20x increase and Bitcoin goes up to a million dollars, that’s fantastic.

You’ve done well; your $4,000 investment is now worth about $80,000 to $85,000.

If you had a $4,000 portfolio and turned it into $80k by 2030, which is what Ark Invest is predicting, that’s great.

Ark Invest’s base case is $600k for Bitcoin by 2030, but let’s meet in the middle and say it’s a million dollars.

That’s good money and fantastic returns, and a lot of people will be happy with that.

But it’s not really rich, is it?

$80k might help you with some problems — buy a new car or help put your kids through school — but it probably won’t solve all your problems.

It won’t even pay for a whole college tuition, depending on the school.

The Real Money is in Altcoins

If you want big gains, you have to risk life and limb in the altcoin jungle. That’s where you’re going to get the 20x, 50x, or 100x returns.

The odds are stacked against you: VCs, whales, influencers, angel investors, exchanges, and teams themselves are all looking to sell and make money.

As an average investor, you’re generally at the end of the feeding line in the buffet — it’s just the way it is.

There are ways to get in early; I will share some in upcoming blogposts.

But that’s where the real money is going to be made.

You’re not going to 100x your money on Bitcoin.

Maybe in a few decades, but if you want to enjoy your crypto gains before you’re in your 60s, 70s, or 80s, you need Altcoins.



Ryan Mitchell ℝℳ★

Leadership Guide, Speaker. Former Googler, Idaho MBA Grad. Passionate about empowering individuals through Music, leadership, Tech, and knowledge exchange.