Bitcoin Core 24.0 Will Enable Full-RBF — The End Of Unconfirmed Transactions?



Photo by Michael Förtsch on Unsplash

Unconfirmed transactions can be useful. Among other things, for Lightning payments with the Muun wallet. Its founder fears that a planned update of Bitcoin Core will make this impossible. This gives rise to an exciting discussion on the Bitcoin mailing list, which reveals fundamental differences in ideology.

Throughout October, an exciting discussion ran through the Bitcoin mailing list. It was about the planned release of Bitcoin Core 24.0 and the “Full RBF” introduced by it. The discussion is technical in nature, but it is manageably complicated.

Dario Sneidermanis, founder of the lightning wallet Muun, opened the discussion by expressing his discomfort with 24.0:

“During the last few days, we have been investigating the latest Bitcoin Core release candidate, and we found some worrying facts about the deployment of opt-in full-RBF.” As a result, he said, “zero-conf apps (like Muun) must now instantly disable zero-conf features.”

Since that sentence alone contains a handful of extraneous words, I’ll explain those first before delving into the discussion.

Zero-Conf, RBF, Opt-In, First Seen




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