Bitcoin ETF Update

Here’s What’s Happening

Bitcoin Binge
Published in
3 min readAug 25, 2023


Bitcoin ETF Update

There will not be a spot bitcoin ETF in the US until 2024 at the earliest. The SEC just delayed its decision on several open applications.

What’s an ETF?

Exchange-traded-funds are pooled investment securities that track an index, sector, commodity, or other assets.

They’re like mutual funds but, unlike mutual funds that are traded just once per day after market close, ETFs can be traded on exchanges like stocks. ETFs are attractive because they provide broad exposure to the underlying asset or asset class during market hours.

Bitcoin ETFs

Bitcoin ETFs already exist.

Both futures and spot bitcoin ETFs are available in different parts of the world. In the US though, only bitcoin futures ETFs exist.

Futures ETFs are funds that track futures contracts for the expected price of bitcoin at a later date. The futures contracts do not convey bitcoin ownership and the contracts must be settled or traded for new contracts as they approach expiration. Because of this, futures ETFs focus more heavily on speculation rather than real-time exposure to the spot price of a given asset or asset class.

