Bitcoin & Greek Cynics: an unlikely association

Sometimes is just necessary to think outside the box and create some metaphors using Socratic philosophic statements and cryptocurrency — for fun or perhaps insanity.

FeLibertarian.btc | Felibertarian.lens
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2023


Bitcoin & Diogenes

Yes, Bitcoin is an influential philosophical statement in our current times, notwithstanding for some unknown reason, only some analysis has been undertaken in this sense.

Oh, Bitcoin, you modern-day marvel. A currency born from the internet, you disrupted the financial world and captured the imagination of a generation. But what if I told you that your roots trace back to the ancient Greek Cynics? Yes, you heard me right. Let’s journey through time and space to explore the unlikely connection between Diogenes the Cynic, a legendary philosopher (aka the pioneer of nowadays anarchism), and Bitcoin, the digital gold of our era.

The Cypherpunk Movement and Diogenes the Cynic

The cypherpunk movement, a precursor to the development of Bitcoin, was driven by the ideals of privacy, decentralization, and self-sovereignty (source). At its core, the movement sought to challenge the status quo and break free from the constraints of centralized authority. Now, let us turn our gaze to Diogenes the Cynic, an ancient Greek philosopher famous for his anarchism and disdain for societal norms. In many ways, the rebellious spirit of the cypherpunk movement echoes Diogenes’ radical ideas, highlighting a curious link -maybe serendipitous- between the two.

Bitcoin, often considered the brainchild of the cypherpunk movement, embodies many of the principles that Diogenes the Cynic held dear. For one, Bitcoin offers an alternative to the centralized financial systems that Diogenes would have likely despised (in his case, the Hellenic status quo led by Plato and Socrates). Furthermore, Bitcoin’s decentralized nature aligns with Cynic’s anarchistic ideals, challenging established power structures and offering individuals greater control over their financial destinies. Could it be that the creators of Bitcoin were inspired, consciously or unconsciously, by the ancient wisdom of Diogenes the Cynic or other Anarchist authors like Bakunin?

And thus, our tale comes to an end. From the dusty streets of ancient Greece to the digital realms of cyberspace, the philosophical underpinnings of Bitcoin and the Greek Cynics find an unexpected intersection. Although separated by millennia, the rebellious spirit of Diogenes the Cynic and the cypherpunk movement lives on in Bitcoin, reminding us that the quest for freedom and autonomy transcends both time and technology. So, the next time you marvel at the wonders of cryptocurrency, spare a thought for Diogenes the Cynic, the unlikely forefather of the digital revolution.

