Bitcoin in Modern Media
A ‘Futurama’ Case Study

3 min readJun 14, 2024


Bitcoin, since its inception in 2009, has captivated the global financial market and popular culture. From being valued at less than $0.01 to reaching nearly $65,000 in April 2021, Bitcoin’s rise is unparalleled. As the flagship of cryptocurrencies, it embodies the promise and pitfalls of digital currency, becoming a focal point in modern discourse.

‘Futurama’ and Its Prophetic Satire

‘Futurama’, created by Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, has been a cultural mainstay, known for its incisive satire of technological and societal trends. Returning for its 8th season in 2023, the show continued its legacy by delving into contemporary issues, with ‘How the West Was 1010001 serving as a poignant commentary on the Bitcoin frenzy.

The Professor and Bender bring material for motherboards used for mining to the pawnshop
Professor and Bender bring material for motherboards used for mining to the pawnshop

Episode Synopsis

In ‘How the West Was 1010001,’ the Planet Express crew ventures into a futuristic Wild West setting, driven by the allure of Bitcoin mining. This episode cleverly juxtaposes the historic gold rush with today’s digital currency craze, providing a rich canvas for satire.

The Professor and Bender bring material for motherboards used for mining to the pawnshop

Bitcoin Through the “Futurama” Lens

The episode shines in its humorous depiction of Bitcoin mining, symbolically linking it to the bygone era of physical labor and exploration, thereby critiquing the modern disconnect between digital wealth and tangible value. For instance, the conversion of the Robot Mafia into Bitcoin mining hardware encapsulates the absurdity and speculative nature inherent in the cryptocurrency space.

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The Role of Media in Shaping Perceptions

‘Futurama’s’ portrayal is a microcosm of the broader media landscape, where cryptocurrencies oscillate between being hailed as the future of finance and derided as speculative bubbles. A 2019 study by the University of Cambridge estimated that there are up to 5.8 million unique users using a cryptocurrency wallet, with most using Bitcoin. This statistic underscores the growing mainstream interest in digital currencies, further amplified by media portrayal.

Comparative Media Portrayals

Similar to ‘Futurama,’ other media outlets and shows have explored the cryptocurrency theme, each contributing to the public’s understanding and opinion of digital currencies. For example, ‘The Big Bang Theory’ aired an episode titled ‘The Bitcoin Entanglement,’ which aired in 2017, during Bitcoin’s meteoric rise, highlighting its cultural penetration.

scene from the series ‘The Big Bang Theory’


Futurama’s ‘How the West Was 1010001’ serves not only as entertainment but as a cultural critique of the Bitcoin phenomenon. By satirizing the digital gold rush, the episode reflects and shapes societal attitudes toward cryptocurrencies. As Bitcoin continues to evolve, its portrayal in the media will likely mirror its real-world complexities, oscillating between skepticism and acceptance.

As digital currencies become more ingrained in our financial system, their portrayal in the media will undoubtedly evolve. ‘Futurama,’ with its unique blend of humor and insight, offers a valuable perspective on the societal implications of this digital revolution. Whether Bitcoin will become a standard part of our economic landscape or a footnote in the history of financial speculation remains to be seen, but its role in modern media as a symbol of the digital age is undeniable.




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