Bitcoin is Changing: Why I’m Investing Again with Insights from Ran Neuner

Token Trekker Crypto & Travel
Published in
8 min readMay 19, 2023


In a daring twist that defies expectations, I’ve ventured back into the captivating realm of Bitcoin, breaking free from my long absence in BTC investing. But the reasons behind this decision go far deeper than meets the eye. If Bitcoin had a scent, its unmistakable aroma would be permeating the air right now. It’s not just that the largest Bitcoin conference is currently unfolding in Florida, USA — it’s something more profound. Join me on an exploration of the intriguing factors that have reignited my faith in this cryptocurrency and set the stage for an extraordinary comeback.

While skepticism surrounding Bitcoin and the broader crypto landscape is not unwarranted, especially for those residing in the United States, my conviction in the potential of this digital revolution remains unshaken. I firmly believe that behind the scenes, momentous advancements are taking place within the industry, and particularly in the realm of the granddaddy of all cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin. These groundbreaking developments have the power to reshape the future and hold immense promise for those who steadfastly dedicate themselves to this space. Let us seek to unravel the transformative trends and illuminating possibilities that lie just ahead, paving the way towards a more prosperous and promising future for Bitcoin and its passionate advocates.

The power of narrative within the cryptocurrency sphere is widely recognized by most of us. These narratives are often amplified through platforms like crypto Twitter and influential voices on YouTube. It seems like there is an endless stream of prognostications and forecasts over the next narrative that will shape the bull market. And indeed, the upcoming cycle has the potential to be truly awe-inspiring, especially considering the remarkable advancements in artificial intelligence and the anticipated entry of tech giant Apple into the realm of augmented reality. These groundbreaking developments are poised to pave the way for an extraordinary journey, captivating the attention of crypto enthusiasts as narratives unfold.

However, the truth is that Bitcoin is always the leading narrative for the major bull market cycle.

Bitcoin’s dominant role in driving the crypto bull run narrative stems from its recurring halving events that take place approximately every four years or after the mining of 210,000 blocks on the network. These events serve as pivotal milestones, marking the beginning and end points of Bitcoin cycles due to their significant impact on the market’s economics. The halvings result in a halving of the asset’s production rate, intensifying the scarcity narrative surrounding Bitcoin. This narrative’s strength is undeniable, as it has consistently been followed by powerful bull runs. Looking ahead, the next halving is expected to occur within the first half of the upcoming year, further heightening anticipation and speculation in the crypto market. Therefore, one might conclude that apart from a potentially gloomy outlook on the world’s macroeconomic landscape, there are no compelling reasons to suggest that this upcoming halving will deviate from the outcomes witnessed in the previous halving events.

Nonetheless, the true crypto enthusiast, commonly known as a “degen,” is not only excited about the Bitcoin surge but eagerly awaits what lies ahead — an event called altcoin season. While Bitcoin may witness a notable increase, potentially doubling or tripling in price, certain altcoins have the capacity to soar by tenfold or even more. Traditionally, significant gains are found in carefully selected altcoins, as Bitcoin serves as the spearhead of the market. But could this time be different? Is it possible that Bitcoin not only leads the narrative but remains the primary driving force throughout the entire upcoming bull run?

While I cannot provide definitive answers to the aforementioned questions, allow me to speculate based on a recent personal experience. Typically, I haven’t invested much in Bitcoin because I’m at a stage in life where I’m willing to take greater risks for the possibility of larger returns beyond what I believed Bitcoin could offer. However, my perspective underwent a drastic shift recently. The emergence of Ordinals and BRC-20, along with the realization of Bitcoin’s use cases in the form of something like NFTs, has transformed my thinking. And the significant increase in Bitcoin transactions which has resulted in considerable benefits for Bitcoin miners is notable. All of this has sparked a renewed sense of excitement about Bitcoin within me, something I haven’t felt in a long time about Bitcoin.

The societal implications of Bitcoin have always been evident to me, but it’s the philanthropic potential that truly captivates my interest. Yet, lately, I’ve started to see the possibility of the crypto world’s finest aspects ultimately converging back to Bitcoin. This realization has guided my decision to make a purchase, viewing it as the inception of a fresh use case for the most stable, trusted, and secure network of processing power ever established. Therefore, my confidence in Bitcoin has grown significantly, fueling my bullish stance. However, there’s even more to the story. Exciting new developments have emerged, and I’ll soon delve into them in detail…

So I had this little surge of enthusiasm regarding Bitcoin, but what I’ve discovered is that this cognizance extends beyond just myself. I’ve tapped into what I’ll call the collective sentiment. And this is a good thing because we are early and that could lead to huge gains on the not so distant horizon. Let me explain by referring to someone that has excellently articulated what I have been discerning regarding Bitcoin.

Ran Neuner is now on the record for making a notable shift in his thesis concerning Bitcoin, reinforcing the positive sentiment and momentum that I am discussing in this article. Who the hell is Ran Neuner and why should you care..? Aside from perhaps being the ultimate degen and altcoin enthusiast, Ran is the founder of the popular Youtube show Crypto Banter which boasts over 630 thousands followers… his voice matters. Further, Neuner holds a prominent position within the cryptocurrency industry and actively engages with the Crypto Twitter community (@cryptomanran). His notable roles include co-founder and CEO of Onchain Capital, a reputable crypto investment fund and consulting service. Moreover, Neuner gained widespread recognition as the host of CNBC’s “Crypto Trader,” an influential crypto TV show that made history as the world’s first of its kind.

Ran Neuner (Image from BlockSocial)

The following is my summarization of Ran’s fresh bullish perspective regarding Bitcoin, which he monologged on a recent episode of Crypto Banter (I’ll link you to the whole episode below).

[Since the launch of ordinals, a significant advancement in the Bitcoin ecosystem, excitement surrounding Bitcoin has reached new heights. Ordinals quickly evolved from being non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the BRC-20 standard, revolutionizing Bitcoin. Michael Saylor, a prominent figure in the cryptocurrency space, emphasized the transformative impact of ordinals in a podcast, signaling a shift from bearish to bullish sentiment. The long-term implications are vast, with numerous applications emerging on the Bitcoin base layer.

One of the most notable advancements is the ability to inscribe valuable assets, such as artwork or even a last will and testament, onto the blockchain. The cryptographic verification and immutability provided by Bitcoin’s infrastructure hold tremendous value. Moreover, the recent development of running smart contracts on Bitcoin has further enhanced its functionality, introducing a new dimension to the cryptocurrency.

The speed of innovation within the Bitcoin ecosystem is truly remarkable. The progression from NFTs to BRC-20 and now ORC-20 has occurred at an accelerated pace, showcasing the industry’s potential for rapid growth. Furthermore, the recent announcement that people have successfully implemented smart contracts on Bitcoin opens up a plethora of new possibilities.

This breakthrough has positioned Bitcoin as a formidable competitor to Ethereum, a cryptocurrency known for its smart contract capabilities. Bitcoin boasts larger network effects and a finite supply of Sats, making it even more appealing to investors. The emergence of smart contracts and the development of a Bitcoin Virtual Machine (BVM) solidify its position as a powerhouse in the crypto landscape.

Investors are now presented with unparalleled investment opportunities within the Bitcoin ecosystem. To capitalize on this potential, Ran recommends selling less promising coins and having available funds, known as “dry powder,” to invest in Bitcoin and its surrounding tokens. While Bitcoin still faces challenges, such as scalability, proper preparation is crucial for the upcoming revolution.

Confidence in Bitcoin’s potential remains high, as Neuner encourages viewers to stay informed about the latest developments in the Bitcoin network. The potential for life-changing returns makes Bitcoin an attractive investment choice. In conclusion, the rapid progress and newfound potential of Bitcoin have generated immense excitement within the cryptocurrency community. The introduction of smart contracts, along with the ongoing innovations on the Bitcoin network, mark a significant milestone for the industry. Investors are advised to stay informed, seize the opportunity, and participate in the revolutionary developments unfolding in the Bitcoin ecosystem.]

Here is the link to the full Crypto Banter episode:

Ran’s enthusiastic remarks provide compelling evidence to fuel our bullish speculation on the future of Bitcoin. While I haven’t had the opportunity to delve deeply into the exciting developments surrounding smart contracts on Bitcoin and the advent of the Bitcoin Virtual Machine, just the mere idea of these advancements holds the potential for massive implications across the entire industry. It’s been said that Bitcoin is the best store of value but web3 is being built on Ethereum. Could Bitcoin really encroach on Ethereum’s title of being the king of smart contracts and subsequently its market share?

As I denoted earlier, all this has led me to make sure that I have an allocation for Bitcoin in addition to other cryptos I think will fair well in the next bull run. And just as a reminder, Ran has now deposited this fresh bullish case for Bitcoin to thousands of his followers. We know that narratives drive the market. So what do you think, is there a strong narrative developing here? I know for me, I’m not going to let what appears to be an enormous opportunity pass me bye. Subscribe to find out more about what I’m doing with all these developments.

You might also like this article on how the money flows during a crypto bull run:

Send this easy to understand Bitcoin explainer to your friends that have questions:

My blah blah blah disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor and cannot provide investment advice. Cryptocurrencies and investing in general involve risk, and individuals should conduct their own research and consider their personal financial situation before making any investment decisions.

I hope this article was helpful to you. Please let me know below your thoughts on Bitcoin in prep of the next bull market. Please clap and subscribe.

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Token Trekker Crypto & Travel

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