5 Things You Must Know About Bitcoin NFTs

Are Bitcoin NFTs Ordinals worth exploring? Ask yourself these questions first…

Max Yamp
Published in
11 min readMar 3, 2023


Bitcoin NFTs Ordinals

The Bitcoin network is on fire.

No, it’s not the miners, the BTC whales, or Michael Saylor posting another penetrating tweet that’s driving the network to new ATH usage every day.

It’s the 250k freshly “inscribed” Ordinals having a rave party on Block 42069 of Bitcoin. Today, I welcome you to the dungeon of knowledge as we explore this new crypto narrative, its opportunities, and risks.

Table of contents:

The Long-Story Short Of Bitcoin NFTs

Here is the compressed version of the history of Bitcoin NFTs

  • Jan 03, 2009 — Satoshi Nakamoto creates the Bitcoin network
    - the BTC network consists of bitcoins (capped at ~21M)
    - each bitcoin consists of 100,000,000 micro units (satoshis/sats)
  • 2009–2021: Crypto grows as a trillion-dollar asset class



Max Yamp

Building web3 and DeFi products. Writing about crypto and tokenomics. Founder of One Click Crypto