Bitcoin Red Pilling: The Easiest And Most Effective Way

9 min readApr 9, 2020



The art of a great meme has the potential to red pill the masses, even without them realizing it. Allowing them to easily buy Bitcoin for the first time when the opportunity arises. Not only that, but it also informs them about how awful the current financial system is. Memeing of all kinds can get hundreds of millions to billions of views online, with just about everyone being up to date on them. Literally everyone in the world memes in some way, and with everyone on the internet, we’ve never had a better and easier chance to red pill the masses.

Throughout this article, I'm going to show you some memes that either started in the Bitcoin community and or the Bitcoin community helped push to mainstream normies. These memes have helped the Bitcoin community survive and thrive, giving us much hope that it can do it as well for any newcomers. These memes are legendary, effective, and overall informing.

Stacking Sats

“What is a sat?” a normie might ask; to which you reply “it’s the smallest unit of a Bitcoin! Here, let's grab a coffee and I’ll tell you all about it”. Stacking sats was birthed by Matt Odell and has become an iconic meme in the community. Just about everywhere you go on Bitcoin twitter you’ll see a screenshot of someone stacking their sats. Never selling, and only stacking more. Stacking sats helps give clarity that yes, you don't have to purchase a full Bitcoin. You can purchase up to one piece of an entire one hundred million piece Bitcoin. This can help ease the process of newbies getting into Bitcoin, making it less scary since they don't have to put in much to own any. Bitcoiners can go entirely at their own pace, and no one is ever shamed for the number of sats they stack. Current Bitcoiners love seeing new people get their feet wet and get off 0. One can see stacking sats as sort of a game, a savings game! Stack this virtual coin as high as you can and watch your net worth go up over time. “Nice, today is payday! Gonna stack some sats”.

Money Printer Go BRRR

This meme was started in the Bitcoin community, yet it has been unclear yet who was the mastermind who created it. Never the less, it's a meme that can be a huge driver for people of all kinds towards Bitcoin. This meme came as a result of the Coronavirus epidemic. Millions all over the globe have lost their jobs resulting in governments delivering helicopter money. Literally printing mass amounts of money to give to their citizens in the hope they will spend and revive the economy. The Fed has publicly expressed that they can and will print as much as they want and have absolutely no limit to its issuance of new currency. This creates economic problems such as inflation and looming hyperinflation.

My favorite part about this meme is that it gets people to question the government. I remember telling my mother about the $1,200 stimulus package and she told me “well how are they paying for this? that doesn't make sense, how they can just do that?!”. She then went on to research a bit into it and try to find answers to her questions. This is someone who has NEVER questioned or researched this stuff before. This meme has really got people thinking who are the Fed and why are they in charge of the money supply. Why stop at $1,200? Why not $10,000? Why not $100,000? Why not $1,000,000?

OK Boomer

Ah, so far the most famous meme to come from this community. This gem started from people trolling Peter Schiff on twitter. Schiff is a harsh Bitcoin critic who constantly tries to bash Bitcoin any way he can. If you don’t know, Schiff owns his own company where he sells gold, which can be seen as a competitor to Bitcoin. Both are hard money which stands much to gain from fiat money collapsing as people look for a safe haven to store their value. Schiff is a very smart economist and is someone you can learn a lot from, but he's in denial of Bitcoin, and his old age doesn't help him.

Schiff once had a dilemma on Twitter about how his Bitcoin wallet “forgot” his password. The story was he was using a wallet app on his phone and got logged out via an update. He had not only forgotten to write his seed down but mistook his security pin for his password. These are costly mistakes that lead him to lose the Bitcoin he owned as well as damages his credibility. He is a very smart man when it comes to Austrian economics and sound money, but not when it comes to technology. And naturally, the OK Boomer meme was born by many trolling him under all of his Bitcoin posts.

This meme isn’t necessarily geared towards Bitcoin, but it does teach a valuable lesson. People are taught to always respect their elders, to which I agree, as they can pass on valuable knowledge. But just cause you respect elders, doesn't mean you have to agree with them. Elders are wise but they do lack severe technology knowledge that even a preteen would be an expert at. So it can be hard for boomers to cope with complex ideas such as Bitcoin, especially after living a life where their government has pretty much controlled the money and everything else. It's ok to poke a little fun at boomers who don't know better, this is just a joke after all!

6.15 BTC

This timeline classic was created by none other than stacking legend American HODL. I have absolutely no idea what inspiration led to the creation of this meme or how it happened, but its a meme that really had a positive effect on the Bitcoin community. This meme has driven individuals to stack sats (double meme here, they go hand in hand!) as hard as they can to reap the rewards of obtaining it. What are these rewards you might ask? Well, they are eternal riches and big titty bitches of course! Owning 6.15 BTC is a massive achievement and will most likely end up putting you in a wealth class of your own in 10 years' time. Especially as the mining rewards halves every four years making this target harder and harder to hit as time goes on.

This has been a funny and friendly way to encourage new people to get into Bitcoin. And when I say it encourages people to stack more sats, I’m not joking. Its been months since the start of this meme, and I still see people everywhere online using it, as well as I use it when joking with my friends. People obviously know its a joke and it doesn't guarantee you these things (or does it?) but people have set owning 6.15 BTC as a personal goal to hit. As its a very nice amount to own and gives them a huge increase in future purchasing power. If a friend asks you why they should buy Bitcoin and you say “eternal riches and big titty bitches” I doubt they’ll turn it down!


Hodl stands for “hold on for dear life” and when it comes to Bitcoins volatility, I can't stress the importance of it. This meme was created when an online Bitcoin user meant to type “HOLD” but accidentally spelled it “HODL” and from there, the meme was born. Arguably one of the most commonly used memes in the entire Bitcoin community. Hodlers are the backbone of Bitcoin and keep it alive from crashing down to $0. Hodlers are typically the ones who are truly red pilled and down for the cause resulting in them buying up all the cheap sats off weak hands who get scared on price drops. Hodlers have strong hands and are willing to ride out all the volatility Bitcoin has to offer.

Hodling has been unkind to people who refuse to educate themselves properly or at all. The uneducated (shitcoiners and people looking for a get rich quick scheme) always get thrashed by Bitcoins volatility and end up selling at a lower price than what they bought in at. If you don't have patience in this market, you will get irritated and you won't survive. As well as you cannot hodl anything other than Bitcoin without losing value (BTC wise) in the long term, so there is no point in hodling any altcoin.

Hodling Bitcoin has rewarded its participants heavily with loads of green candles and euphoric feels. As long as you hodl, you are (so far based on price history) guaranteed to have made money off your Bitcoins. But Hodling doesn't just apply when the price shoots down, it also applies when the price shoots up. If you made a ton of money and want to sell a bit to reward yourself, that's fine, do as you please with your money. But beware, when you buy back in, you may be buying at a higher price resulting in you owning even less Bitcoin. As well as you got to remember why we’re in Bitcoin in the first place. I don't want any dirty fiat, and I’m NOT selling any of my Bitcoin. Accumulate, HODL, and spend only. NEVER sell for fiat.

Orange Coin Good Number Go Up

Last but most certainly not least is one of my personal favorites “orange coin good number go up”. It is unclear who started this meme but its been a fan favorite on twitter for a while now. The meme is as simple as it sounds, orange coin (Bitcoin) is good, and the number (price) goes up. Its goofiness and simpleness has really driven this meme to be able to catch normies attentions. Why? Because its all newbies really need to know when first getting in.

This meme gets people bullish and number go up is the most effective way to drive people into Bitcoin. Over the years through the boom and bust cycles, when number go up people scram hectically to try and obtain some sweet orange coin. Driving price up and creating more curious Hodlers. An increase in price also allows for more money to be directed towards building infrastructure around Bitcoin as well as making Hodlers more wealthy, making them want more. So obviously the more people who want some orange coin, the better it is for the price.

All In All

Memes are without a doubt the way to red pill normies into Bitcoin without them even realizing it. Bitcoin has such a steep learning curve and is unlikely that most people will understand it without any research. Many people don't have the time to research and educate themselves on this stuff during their busy lives, so memes can give them that education in an entertaining way.

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to read this, I really appreciate it! Have a good day homies.

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