Bitcoin: The Secret Satoshi Never Revealed.

Jamen Mendes


Bitcoin is an asset in its own class. Though it is often compared to gold and tracked along with technology stocks and other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin is neither gold, technology, or crypto. Humanity has never created a monetary instrument with the level of asymmetrical cosmic power as Bitcoin.

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Bitcoin acts like money but functions more like energy. It is liquid like a currency but lacks the physical attributes of cash. It is a program that runs on a computer network, yet possesses the mystery of a cosmic essence, at the core of which is the very elusive element we call electricity. It is public in that its ledger is available to the entire world and yet deeply private in the sense that it can be acquired by anyone and held anonymously.

What is Bitcoin?

In order to answer this question, I first need to remove the veil surrounding the monetary essence of Bitcoin that has blinded the crypto community and the world. Everyone has been told that Bitcoin is a form of money created by the blockchain. This is obviously false. We can refer to “The Bitcoin Whitepaper” for confirmation that the coin is not created by the blockchain:

2. Transactions

“We define an electronic coin as a chain of digital signatures. Each owner transfers the coin to the next by digitally signing a…



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