Bitcoin: Too Legit to Quit, Regulation = Legitimization

10 Developments in the Last Year that Prove Crypto is Here to Stay

Sense and Cents
Published in
10 min readJul 28, 2021


Photo by AronPW on Unsplash

About a month ago, I logged into my Kraken account to try and make some leveraged trades to try and capitalize on the recent (and maybe last?) dip in Ethereum and got this error message.

Kraken message on Margin Trading

The first thought in my mind was “darn US government, stomping down another tool for the little guy and saving it only for the big boys!” (I mean, who has $10 million sitting around so they can leverage trade?)

My second thought was, crypto is going legit.

As proven throughout US history, anytime something starts to get regulated, it becomes legitimized as an industry.

The reason for that is because crony capitalism cares mostly about making (more) money, and those with great monetary power will wield their heavy lobbying power for their best interests.

That, or you can look at it as government’s need to lay down the ground rules to make sure new economic ventures can get taxed to keep the economic and government machine going. Just look at what happened with…



Sense and Cents

Just a city boy, living to find some joy… making sense and cents in this world of 1’s and 0's.