Bitcoin vs. Credit Default Swaps: A Detailed and Absolutely Thrilling Examination

Credit Default Swaps (CDS): The Saviors of Financial Boredom

Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2023


Oh, Credit Default Swaps! Those thrilling tools that let you wager on someone else’s financial demise! If you ever wanted to play the knight in shining armor — or villain in the shadows — CDS is the game for you.

  1. The Sophisticated Agreement: Party A sees a storm brewing, Party B offers an umbrella (for a price!). If Party A gets drenched (defaults), Party B pays. Easy-peasy.
  2. The Risky Dance: But what if Party B takes off with the umbrella? No protection, no payout, and Party A is left soaked.
  3. The Complexity Waltz: Counterparties, collateral, clearinghouses — it’s a financial dance only the brave (or confused) dare enter.

CDS and the 2008 Crisis: A Love Story

Remember 2008? Of course, you do! The 2008 financial crisis and the role CDS played in it is nothing short of a Shakespearean tragicomedy. The excitement, the promise, the betrayal, and ultimately the downfall — all played out on the global stage.

In this elaborate dance of risk and ruin, CDS were both the protagonists and antagonists. They promised protection and offered the allure of hedging risk, but when the storm came, they were exposed for what they truly were: a complicated, risky gamble that brought even the mightiest to their knees.

So raise a glass to 2008, a year that will forever be etched in the annals of financial folly, where CDS danced their way into infamy. And if you find yourself at a dinner party with a dull conversation, just bring up CDS and 2008, and watch the room come alive with opinion, outrage, and perhaps a touch of nostalgia for a time when finance was the most thrilling show in town.

Bitcoin: The Boringly Revolutionary Darling

Now, let’s shift our focus to Bitcoin. It’s digital, it’s transparent, and oh-so-ordinary. Here’s why it’s making CDS look like yesterday’s news:

  1. Decentralization’s Dull Dance: No middlemen, just boring security and control in your hands. How tedious!
  2. Transparency’s Tedious Waltz: A public ledger for all to see? Where’s the mystery and excitement in that?
  3. The Yawn-Inducing Supply Cap: Only 21 million coins, ever. So predictably rational!

Bitcoin’s Trustworthy Blockchain: A Snoozefest

The blockchain technology underpinning Bitcoin is as dull as it gets. Transparent, immutable, decentralized — it’s like watching paint dry, but with added cryptographic flair.

CDS vs. Bitcoin: A No-Holds-Barred Grudge Match

So, who’s superior? Let’s get into the details.

  1. CDS’s Complexity Gala: Multiple parties, regulations, and a delicate ballet of trust. Thrilling, until it’s not.
  2. Bitcoin’s Snoozy Safety Dance: Predictable, transparent, trustworthy. It’s like watching a math teacher at a disco — efficient but unexciting.
  3. Volatility’s Fun Ride: Yes, Bitcoin has its ups and downs. But isn’t a rollercoaster more fun than a merry-go-round?
  4. Regulatory Tango: Those pesky regulators always spoiling the fun! But maybe, just maybe, they’ll learn to dance to Bitcoin’s beat.

Conclusion: The Tiresome Triumph of the New Kid on the Block

Who knew that a battle between a convoluted financial instrument and a decentralized digital currency could be so one-sided? Bitcoin is sweeping the floor with CDS in a duel that’s as entertaining as it is enlightening.

So here’s a toast to Bitcoin, the monotonous victor of this financial duel, and to CDS, the oh-so-complicated loser. May they continue to dance, bicker, and delight us in their peculiar ways.

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