Bitcoin vs Gold: A Battle for Global Money!

Jamen Mendes


The conflict in the Middle East between Israel and Iran prompted a sharp drop in the Bitcoin price on April 14th, causing BTC to plummet from $67,900 to $60,050. In the meantime, the price of Gold immediately shot-up to an all-time-high of $2,430 per Troy oz!

Image, courtesy of WorldSpectrum

This was a critical test for both Bitcoin and Gold. At this moment, it appears as if Gold won the contest. In fact there are reports that major central banks around the world have been loading up on gold reserves as they move away from the United States dollar.

Gold has been rising in prices since its last dip on Feb. 14, 2024 when it was priced around $1,990. Like Bitcoin, Gold has been on a steady climb, posting a whopping 21% rise during the past 60 days. In the meaning Bitcoin has gone from $51,350 to $73,700 or 43% rise, before dipping this past weekend to its current price range of $63,400 or an adjusted 23% rise.

Gold vs Bitcoin
Although it does appear that global investors prefer Gold over Bitcoin when it comes to an inflation hedge, Bitcoin has completely outperformed gold. Bitcoin has gone from pennies to $73,800 a coin in merely 15 years, a rise of over 105K%, while Gold went from a price of $854 on January 9th, 2009, on the day of Bitcoin’s official launch, to its current price of $2,400 today; a rise of only 281%.



Jamen Mendes

Author, Musician, Metaphysician, and Artist. I write about Crypto, Spirituality, Consciousness, Art, and Reality.