BitCore BTX — A UTXO fork of Bitcoin

Crypto Beat


Photo by DrawKit Illustrations on Unsplash

BitCore (BTX) is a cryptocurrency built on the UTXO fork of Bitcoin (BTC). Many people are familiar with Bitcoin as the original cryptocurrency, and it has been around for over a decade. As Bitcoin has grown in popularity, so too have the issues and problems associated with it. BitCore is a hybrid fork of Bitcoin that seeks to improve and resolve existing issues with the Bitcoin blockchain.

What is a UTXO Fork?

A UTXO fork is a type of fork that is based on the Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) model of Bitcoin. In this model, each transaction output is treated as an individual entity, and all unspent outputs become inputs to new transactions. This allows for greater scalability and flexibility in the Bitcoin blockchain, as each output is independent and can be used as an input for multiple transactions.

What Problems Does BitCore Address?

BitCore is designed to address a number of issues with the Bitcoin blockchain. One of the primary goals of BitCore is to improve scalability and reduce transaction costs. BitCore is an open source protocol that seeks to reduce the cost of transactions and provide a faster, more efficient way to process transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain.



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