Blockchain FairyTales: Canine Kingdom- Doge and Shiba Inu

Randall Campbell
3 min readApr 11, 2023


Photo by John Duncan on Unsplash

A click could be heard from afar, as the curious bear, clever rabbit, and wise old wizard gathered around a peculiar, shimmering object that had fallen from the sky. As they examined the mysterious item, a chatty bluebird alighted on a nearby branch, eager to share its knowledge.

“Oh, dear friends!” chirped the bluebird. “You’ve stumbled upon the enchanted currencies of the Canine Kingdom: Doge and Shiba Inu!”

The curious bear scratched his head, “What makes them so enchanting, little bird?”

The bluebird fluffed its feathers and began to explain. “You see, Doge and Shiba Inu are unlike the coins you might find in the Forest of Fiat. They’re created and exchanged within a digital realm, using magical processes that ensure secure and swift transactions.”

“Like a spell?” the clever rabbit asked, twitching its nose.

“Precisely!” the bluebird replied. “A powerful ledger spell that keeps a record of all the transactions, ensuring no mischief can occur.”

The wise old wizard stroked his beard, intrigued. “And what sets these two canine coins apart?”

“Well,” the bluebird continued, “Doge is the elder of the two, born from the mystical art of satire. It started as a jest, a lighthearted dabble in the world of digital currency. But as time went on, the charm of Doge bewitched more and more inhabitants of the Canine Kingdom, and soon it gained real value!”

The clever rabbit’s ears perked up. “And what of Shiba Inu? Is it as playful as its sibling?”

The bluebird nodded, its feathers ruffling with excitement. “Indeed, Shiba Inu was inspired by the whimsical nature of Doge. However, it sought to create its own unique path. As a result, it employed an innovative strategy called ‘burning tokens,’ reducing the number of available coins to increase their rarity and value. The wizards and witches behind Shiba Inu also conjured a vibrant ecosystem around the currency, giving it a strong foundation in the digital world.”

The curious bear frowned. “But surely, this all sounds too good to be true. Are there no downsides to these canine coins?”

The chatty bluebird hesitated for a moment, then sighed. “As with all things magical, there are risks. The value of both Doge and Shiba Inu can be as volatile as a potion brewed by an apprentice. Additionally, their whimsical origins mean some might not take them as seriously as other digital currencies. However, many believers in the Canine Kingdom continue to support their growth and development.”

The wise old wizard nodded sagely. “I see. These enchanted currencies certainly hold much potential, but they also require a discerning eye and steady hand.”

With newfound understanding, the curious bear, clever rabbit, and wise old wizard marveled at the glittering Doge and Shiba Inu coins before them. As they continued on their journey, they knew they had witnessed something truly extraordinary — a piece of magic in a digital realm that connected and captivated countless hearts.

And with a cheerful song, the chatty bluebird soared into the sky, ready to share its wisdom with the next band of adventurers who stumbled upon the enchanting tale of Doge and Shiba Inu.



Randall Campbell

Crypto Product Leader | Empowering the Underbanked | Making the Blockchain Personal |