Blockchain FairyTales: Fungibility

Randall Campbell
3 min readApr 17, 2023


Photo by Florian van Duyn on Unsplash

Each date changes, some days are the same, thought the curious bear as he lounged in the sun. The wise old wizard was sharing yet another lesson about the fascinating world of the blockchain, and the clever rabbit eagerly listened, while a bashful beaver hesitantly approached the group, eager to learn as well.

The wise old wizard noticed the newcomer and beckoned the bashful beaver to join them. “Come, dear friend, for today we discuss something quite enchanting: the notion of fungibility.”

The curious bear scratched his head. “Fungibility? I’ve never heard of such a thing.”

The wise old wizard smiled. “Fungibility refers to a magical quality found in certain assets within the blockchain. It means that these assets are interchangeable, and each one is equal in value to another of its kind.”

The clever rabbit jumped in, “So, if I have a gold coin and you have a gold coin, we can exchange them, and nothing would change? They’d be equal in value?”

“Exactly,” the wise old wizard replied. “Gold coins are fungible because one can be replaced by another without any loss of value. The enchanting world of the blockchain has both fungible and non-fungible assets.”

The bashful beaver shyly asked, “And, uh, what about those Non-Fungible Tokens we’ve heard so much about?”

The wise old wizard beamed at the beaver’s curiosity. “Ah, NFTs! They are quite the opposite of fungible assets. Each NFT is unique, and its value is not directly interchangeable with any other. Think of them as rare and special treasures within the blockchain.”

The curious bear pondered the wise old wizard’s words. “So, if we wanted to exchange something like an NFT, how would we do it? Since they’re unique and all?”

The clever rabbit thought for a moment, then replied, “Well, we’d have to find a way to agree on their relative values, since they aren’t directly interchangeable. Perhaps by using some sort of magical market or auction house where other creatures could place bids and determine their worth!”

The wise old wizard nodded in agreement. “Indeed, my clever friend. The world of the blockchain has devised many ways for us to trade and exchange both fungible and non-fungible assets.”

The bashful beaver felt emboldened by the knowledge he was gaining. “So, whether it’s gold coins or unique art pieces, the blockchain makes it possible for us to exchange and share our magical treasures?”

“That’s correct,” the wise old wizard confirmed. “The enchanting power of the blockchain allows us to safely and securely trade our assets, whether they be fungible or non-fungible, and to trust in the magic that makes it all possible.”

As the sun began to set on another magical day, the curious bear, the clever rabbit, the bashful beaver, and the wise old wizard all marveled at the possibilities the blockchain held. They knew that whether they were dealing with gold coins or rare NFTs, the enchanting world of the blockchain had much more to offer and explore. And so, with a sense of wonder, they looked forward to the many adventures that lay ahead.



Randall Campbell

Crypto Product Leader | Empowering the Underbanked | Making the Blockchain Personal |