Blockchain FairyTales: Zero Knowledge Proof

Randall Campbell
2 min readApr 22, 2023


Photo by Valentin Lacoste on Unsplash

Open but down the hole, a curious bear, a clever rabbit, and a wise old wizard found themselves in the heart of the magical world of the blockchain. It was a place where secrets were kept, yet knowledge was shared — all thanks to a mystical enchantment known as Zero Knowledge Proof.

As they ventured further into the blockchain realm, the curious bear noticed a riddle on the wall. “Oh, a riddle!” he exclaimed. “I wonder what secrets it holds?”

The clever rabbit hopped up, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Let me see… Ah, yes, it’s a riddle to teach us the magic of Zero Knowledge Proof. I know of this spell. It allows one to share the truth of a secret without revealing the secret itself!”

The wise old wizard stroked his beard, deep in thought. “Indeed, Zero Knowledge Proof is a powerful enchantment that safeguards the privacy of tokens and coins in our world. It permits us to prove the authenticity of our magical assets without disclosing any sensitive information.”

Intrigued, the curious bear scratched his head. “But how can we prove something is true without showing the secret itself?”

The clever rabbit chuckled, his whiskers twitching with amusement. “Picture it like this, my furry friend: Imagine I know the answer to a riddle but wish to keep it hidden. Using the magic of Zero Knowledge Proof, I can share with you that I know the answer without ever revealing the answer itself. Isn’t that fascinating?”

The wise old wizard nodded, impressed with the rabbit’s explanation. “Correct, my clever friend. Zero Knowledge Proof is a matter of proving that you possess knowledge without revealing the knowledge itself. This enchantment relies on complex mathematical puzzles that can be solved only if the solver possesses the correct information.”

The curious bear’s eyes widened with understanding. “So, it’s like proving you have a key to a secret door without ever having to show the key!”

“Exactly!” the clever rabbit exclaimed. “And in our blockchain realm, Zero Knowledge Proof can be used to verify transactions without revealing sensitive information. This ensures the privacy of tokens and coins while maintaining the integrity of the magical blockchain.”

Feeling enlightened by this newfound understanding, the curious bear, the clever rabbit, and the wise old wizard ventured forth to explore more secrets hidden within the blockchain world. The enchanting magic of Zero Knowledge Proof proved that secrets could be shared without ever being revealed, providing a safe and secure means of navigating the enchanting realm of tokens, coins, and mysteries that awaited them in the depths of the blockchain.



Randall Campbell

Crypto Product Leader | Empowering the Underbanked | Making the Blockchain Personal |