Blockchain Game Development: A Beginner Guide to Web3 Games

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19 min readJun 12, 2023


What is blockchain game development?

Blockchain game development refers to the process of creating video games that incorporate blockchain technology. Blockchain is a decentralized and transparent digital ledger that allows for the secure and immutable recording of data. By integrating blockchain into game development, developers can introduce various features and benefits that enhance the gaming experience.

In traditional video games, all the game data is stored and controlled by the game developer or a central server. However, in blockchain games, the game assets, transactions, and other important data are recorded on a blockchain network, making them transparent and tamper-proof.

Types of Blockchain Games

  1. NFT-based games: In NFT-based games development, players can earn NFTs for completing quests or winning battles. These NFTs can then be used to purchase new items, upgrade existing items, customize their characters, or even trade them. This gives players a sense of ownership and investment in the game, which can lead to a more enjoyable gaming experience. To get started, you’ll need a digital wallet to store your NFTs and interact with the game’s marketplace. You can acquire assets through in-game activities, purchases, or trading with other players.


  • Axie Infinity: A turn-based battling game where players can collect, breed, and battle digital pets called Axies.
  • Gods Unchained: A collectible card game where players can build decks and battle other players.
  • Sorare: A fantasy football game where players can collect and trade digital player cards.

2. Metaverse games: Blockchain-based virtual worlds allow players to explore and interact with a decentralized virtual environment. You can own and trade virtual assets like land, buildings, and in-game items. To get started, you’ll need a digital wallet and usually the game’s native cryptocurrency to participate. You can build and customize your virtual properties, socialize with other players, and even monetize your creations.


  • Decentraland: A virtual world where players can own land, build structures, and interact with other players.
  • The Sandbox: A virtual world where players can create and monetize their own games and experiences.
  • Cryptovoxels: A virtual world where players can buy, sell, and trade land and voxel assets.

3. Play-to-Earn Games: Play-to-earn games allow players to earn real value or cryptocurrency by playing the game and achieving in-game accomplishments. To participate, you’ll need a digital wallet and potentially the game’s native cryptocurrency. You can complete tasks, and challenges, or engage in gameplay that rewards you with valuable in-game assets, which can be sold or traded for real-world value.


  • Axie Infinity: As mentioned above, this is a turn-based battling game where players can earn rewards by playing the game.
  • Thetan Arena: A multiplayer battle arena game where players can earn tokens by winning matches.
  • Splinterlands: A collectible card game where players can earn rewards by winning battles and completing quests.

4. Blockchain-Enabled RPGs: In blockchain RPGs, players can own, trade, and upgrade in-game assets or characters using blockchain technology. These assets are often represented as NFTs. To begin, you’ll need a digital wallet and potentially the game’s native cryptocurrency. You can acquire items, complete quests, battle other players, and trade your assets on the blockchain.


Illuvium: An open-world RPG where players can collect and battle creatures called Illuvials.

Ember Sword: A fantasy MMORPG where players can own land, build structures, and battle other players.

Star Atlas: A space exploration game where players can mine, trade, and battle other players.

4. Blockchain Gambling and Betting Games: Blockchain gambling and betting games provide transparent and fair gaming experiences. Smart contracts ensure the integrity of the games, and players can verify the outcomes. To participate, you’ll need a digital wallet and the game’s native cryptocurrency or other accepted forms of cryptocurrency. You can enjoy various forms of gambling, such as casinos, sports betting, and prediction markets.


FTX: A cryptocurrency exchange that offers a variety of gambling and betting games, including casino games, sports betting, and prediction markets.

Stake: A cryptocurrency casino that offers a variety of casino games, including slots, roulette, and blackjack.

Roobet: A cryptocurrency casino that offers a variety of casino games, including slots, roulette, and blackjack.

5. Blockchain-Based Card Games: These games utilize blockchain technology for the ownership and trading of in-game cards or assets. Players collect and strategically use these cards to compete against others. To start, you’ll need a digital wallet and often the game’s native cryptocurrency. You can acquire cards, build decks, participate in tournaments, and trade your cards on the blockchain.


  • Gods Unchained: As mentioned above, this is a collectible card game where players can buy, sell, and trade digital cards.
  • Splinterlands: As mentioned above, this is a collectible card game where players can earn rewards by winning battles and completing quests.
  • Skyweaver: A collectible card game where players can earn rewards by winning matches and completing quests.

6. Blockchain-Based Strategy Games: Blockchain-based strategy games introduce unique features like player-owned assets, decentralized governance, or play-to-earn mechanics. To get started, you’ll need a digital wallet and potentially the game’s native cryptocurrency. You can build, manage, and upgrade assets, engage in strategic gameplay, and potentially earn rewards through in-game accomplishments.


  • The Sandbox: As mentioned above, this is a virtual world where players can create and monetize their own games and experiences.
  • Alien Worlds: A blockchain-based strategy game where players can mine Trilium (TLM) tokens by staking their NFTs.
  • Farmers World: A blockchain-based strategy game where players can farm, mine, and battle other players to earn rewards.

8. Blockchain-Based Sports Games: In blockchain-based sports games, players can own, trade, and compete with virtual sports teams or athletes. To get started, you’ll need a digital wallet and often the game’s native cryptocurrency. You can collect and manage sports assets, participate in tournaments or leagues, and potentially earn rewards based on your team’s performance.


  • Sorare: As mentioned above, this is a fantasy football game where players can collect and trade digital player cards.
  • Zed Run: A blockchain-based horse racing game where players can own, breed, and race digital horses.

20 Essential Tips for Creating a Successful Blockchain Game

  1. Game Idea: The game concept is a blockchain-based collectible card game (CCG) where players can collect, trade, and battle with unique digital cards that are stored on the blockchain. The gameplay revolves around strategic card battles, deck building, and acquiring rare cards through various in-game activities. Blockchain technology ensures the ownership and scarcity of digital cards, allowing players to truly own and trade their cards outside the game.

2. Graphics and Art Style: The graphics and art style will be visually appealing and cater to the target audience’s preferences. For example, if the target audience is fantasy-loving gamers, the art style can be immersive and feature detailed illustrations of mythical creatures and enchanting landscapes. The graphics should be of high quality and optimized for different platforms to provide an enjoyable visual experience.

3. Research Other Blockchain Games: To analyze existing blockchain games similar to your concept, look into games like CryptoKitties, Gods Unchained, and Axie Infinity. Assess their strengths, and weaknesses, and gather player feedback to understand what aspects of those games resonate well with the audience and what improvements can be made in your own game.

4. Identify Gamer Expectations: Conduct market research to understand what gamers are looking for in a blockchain game. Consider factors such as engaging gameplay mechanics, rewarding progression systems, social features like player-to-player trading and interactions, and seamless integration of blockchain technology. This research will help you align your game with the expectations and desires of the target audience.

5. Research Blockchain Game Development Companies: Explore reputable game development companies experienced in developing blockchain games. Look for companies that have a proven track record in blockchain technology integration, game design, and development. Consider factors like their expertise, portfolio, client reviews, and their understanding of your game vision.

6. Select a Development Company: Choose a development company that aligns with your game vision, genre, and budget. Initiate collaboration by sharing your design documents, art assets, and requirements. The development company should have a clear understanding of your goals and be able to provide valuable input throughout the development process.

7. Design the Game Mechanics: Define the core gameplay mechanics, player interactions, objectives, progression systems, and unique features of the game. Determine how players will acquire new cards, build decks, and engage in strategic battles. Consider introducing unique mechanics that leverage blockchain technology, such as the ability to trade cards directly with other players or participate in blockchain-based tournaments.

8. Collaborate with the Development Company: Work closely with the development team to create a prototype of the game. Provide them with design documents, art assets, and clear instructions. Regularly communicate and provide feedback to ensure the development aligns with your vision. Maintain an open line of communication and establish a collaborative relationship with the development team.

9. Funding: Determine funding options such as crowdfunding, investors, grants, or publishers. Create a compelling business plan that outlines the potential revenue streams, target audience, marketing strategy, and financial projections. Present this plan to potential investors or seek alternative funding sources to secure the necessary resources for development.

10. Develop a Marketing Strategy: Define your target audience and create a branding strategy that resonates with them. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes online and offline marketing tactics, influencer partnerships, social media campaigns, and community engagement initiatives. Identify the key selling points of your game, such as blockchain integration and unique gameplay features, and highlight them in your marketing materials.

11. Conduct Beta Testing: Launch a beta testing phase to gather player feedback, identify and fix bugs, and improve the game’s stability and balance. Select a group of dedicated beta testers from your target audience and provide them with access to the game. Collect their feedback through surveys, forums, or in-game feedback systems. Use this feedback to make necessary improvements before the official launch.

12. Refine and Optimize: Continuously refine the game based on user feedback. Optimize gameplay mechanics, balance the in-game economy, and enhance graphics to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for players. Regularly release updates and patches to address any issues and introduce new content to keep players engaged.

13. Prepare for Blockchain Integration: Collaborate with blockchain experts to integrate blockchain features such as non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized marketplaces, or ownership systems. Ensure the security and scalability of blockchain integration and educate players about the benefits of blockchain technology in your game. This integration should enhance the gameplay experience and provide unique opportunities for players.

14. Launch the Game: Set a release date for your game and publish it on suitable platforms, such as PC, mobile devices, or gaming consoles. Coordinate with the development company, marketing team, and partners to ensure a smooth launch. Consider having a pre-launch marketing campaign to generate excitement and anticipation among your target audience.

15. Monitor and Support: Continuously monitor game performance, address issues promptly, and provide updates, patches, and expansions to keep players engaged. Establish customer support channels to assist players with their inquiries or technical issues. Regularly engage with the community, gather feedback, and make data-driven decisions to improve the game’s performance and address player needs.

16. Community Building and Growth: Foster an active community around the game through social media channels, forums, and Discord groups. Encourage player interactions, organize community events, and provide opportunities for players to showcase their achievements. Engage with influencers and content creators to amplify the game’s reach and generate buzz. Listen to the community’s feedback and involve them in the game’s evolution.

17. Evaluate Competitor Strengths and Weaknesses: Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of other blockchain games in the market. Identify opportunities for differentiation and understand what aspects of your game can provide a unique and compelling experience for players. By understanding the competitive landscape, you can position your game effectively and highlight its unique selling points.

18. Intellectual Property Protection: Consider trademark, copyright, or patent registrations to protect your game’s unique elements. Consult with legal experts specialized in intellectual property to ensure your game’s assets and concepts are adequately protected. This will safeguard your game from potential infringements and allow you to fully capitalize on its value.

19. Establish Revenue Model: Determine how the game will generate revenue. Consider options such as in-game purchases, subscriptions, or advertising. Design a monetization strategy that strikes a balance between providing value to players and ensuring a sustainable revenue stream for the game’s continued development and support.

20. Continuous Improvement: Gather player feedback, analyze metrics, and implement regular updates and content expansions to ensure long-term success. Stay connected with the community and address their needs and desires through meaningful updates and new features. Continuously monitor market trends, technological advancements, and player preferences to stay ahead of the curve and keep your game relevant.

Blockchain game development companies have streamlined the process of developing crypto games

  1. Expertise in Blockchain Technology: Blockchain game development companies have a deep understanding of blockchain technology and how it can be used in gaming. They have experienced developers who specialize in smart contracts, decentralized networks, and implementing digital tokens. This expertise allows them to make the game development process smoother and integrate blockchain technology seamlessly.
  2. Use of Blockchain Development Frameworks: When creating blockchain games, developers often use existing frameworks and libraries that provide pre-built modules, templates, and tools. These frameworks can be customized to suit the specific requirements of the game. By using these pre-built components, developers can save time and effort in the development process.
  3. Agile Development Methodology: Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban are approaches to project management that focus on iterative development and continuous feedback. Instead of planning everything upfront, agile development allows for flexibility and quick adaptation to changing requirements. It promotes collaboration, transparency, and efficient decision-making, leading to streamlined development.
  4. Collaboration and Communication: Effective collaboration and communication among the development team are crucial. This includes developers, designers, artists, and blockchain experts. Regular meetings, stand-ups (brief status updates), and project management tools help ensure that everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals. This reduces miscommunication and improves efficiency.
  5. Modular Development Approach: Breaking down the development process into smaller, manageable modules or components allows different teams or individuals to work on different parts of the game simultaneously. This approach enables parallel development and efficient resource allocation, resulting in faster development cycles.
  6. Code Reusability: Blockchain game development companies prioritize code reusability. They create libraries, modules, and templates that can be reused across multiple projects. This saves development time and effort since existing code components can be leveraged, eliminating the need to start from scratch for each new game.
  7. Quality Assurance and Testing: To ensure a stable and bug-free game, blockchain game development companies have dedicated resources for quality assurance (QA) and testing. They conduct rigorous testing throughout the development process to identify and resolve issues early. This helps create a smoother and more efficient development experience.
  8. Continuous Integration and Deployment: Implementing continuous integration and deployment practices automates the process of building, testing, and deploying the game. This streamlines the development workflow, reduces manual errors, and allows for quick iterations and updates. It ensures that the latest features and improvements are seamlessly integrated into the game.
  9. Documentation and Knowledge Sharing: Comprehensive documentation is important for blockchain game development companies. It helps onboard new team members quickly and ensures that critical information is easily accessible. Sharing knowledge and best practices within the team promotes efficiency and consistent development standards.
  10. Post-Launch Support and Maintenance: After a game is launched, ongoing support and maintenance are essential. Blockchain game development companies have processes in place to address bug fixes, updates, and enhancements. Timely and efficient support contributes to a positive user experience and the long-term success of the game.

pre-marketing strategies for blockchain game development

  1. Define your target audience:
  • Take some time to research and understand the specific group of people who would be interested in playing your blockchain game. Consider their age, interests, gaming preferences, and their knowledge or interest in blockchain technology.
  • For example, your target audience might be gamers who enjoy strategy games and are curious about blockchain technology, or blockchain enthusiasts who are looking for new applications and experiences in the blockchain space.

2. Build a captivating website:

  • Create a dedicated website for your blockchain game that serves as the main hub for information and updates.
  • Make sure your website is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and provides clear information about your game’s features, benefits, and what makes it unique.
  • Optimize your website for search engines by using relevant keywords in your content, meta tags, and URLs. This can help improve your website’s visibility in search engine results.

3. Engage in content marketing:

  • Create compelling and informative content, such as blog posts, articles, and videos, that educate and entertain your target audience about blockchain gaming.
  • Share this content on your website’s blog section and also on social media platforms where your target audience is active.
  • Your content can cover topics like the advantages of blockchain gaming, gameplay tips, interviews with the development team, and updates on new features or upcoming events.

4. Leverage social media:

  • Establish a strong presence on popular social media platforms that your target audience frequents, such as Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and Discord.
  • Share regular updates, gameplay teasers, and behind-the-scenes content, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages.
  • Use hashtags and relevant keywords in your social media posts to increase discoverability and reach.

5. Create a community:

  • Launch an official forum or chat group where players can discuss the game, ask questions, and interact with each other and the development team.
  • Encourage community members to share their experiences, provide feedback, and spread the word about your game to their friends and social networks.
  • Reward active community members with special perks, in-game items, or exclusive access to new features.

6. Develop a referral program:

  • Incentivize your existing players or community members to refer their friends to your game.
  • Offer rewards or exclusive in-game items to those who successfully refer new users.
  • This can help create a word-of-mouth marketing effect, as satisfied players are likely to recommend the game to their friends, expanding your user base.

7. Collaborate with influencers:

  • Identify popular influencers, bloggers, streamers, or content creators in the gaming or blockchain niche who have a significant following.
  • Partner with them to create sponsored content, live streams, or reviews of your game.
  • Their endorsement and exposure to their audience can greatly increase the visibility and credibility of your game.

8. Participate in industry events:

  • Attend gaming and blockchain-related conferences, exhibitions, and meetups to showcase your game.
  • Network with industry professionals, journalists, and potential investors who may be interested in your game.
  • This can lead to valuable partnerships, media coverage, and opportunities for collaboration.

9. Run contests and giveaways:

  • Organize contests, competitions, or giveaways related to your game.
  • Encourage participants to share the news on social media platforms and engage with your brand.
  • This can help increase brand exposure and attract new users who are interested in winning prizes or participating in fun activities.

10. Optimize for search engines:

  • Implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your game’s visibility in search engine results.
  • Research relevant keywords related to your game and incorporate them into your website content, meta tags, and URLs.
  • Build backlinks from reputable gaming or blockchain websites to increase your website’s authority and credibility in search engines.

Post-marketing strategies for Blockchain game development

  1. Continuous community engagement:
  • Establish a feedback loop: Create dedicated channels, such as forums or social media groups, where players can provide feedback and engage with the community. Regularly monitor these channels and respond to player comments and concerns.
  • Consistent updates: Provide regular updates on the game’s progress, upcoming features, and bug fixes. This demonstrates your commitment to continuous improvement and keeps players informed.
  • Engage in conversations: Initiate discussions and polls to encourage players to share their opinions and ideas. Actively participate in these conversations to show that you value their input.

2. Social media marketing:

  • Consistent posting schedule: Develop a consistent posting schedule on social media platforms. This helps in maintaining regular communication with your audience and keeps them engaged.
  • Content variety: Share a mix of content, including gameplay videos, behind-the-scenes footage, player spotlights, and announcements. This variety keeps your social media presence interesting and appealing to different types of players.
  • Engage with followers: Respond to comments, questions, and messages on social media promptly. Interact with your followers by liking, sharing, or retweeting their content related to your game.

3. Influencer collaborations:

  • Research and selection: Conduct thorough research to identify influencers who align with your game’s target audience and values. Choose influencers who have a genuine interest in gaming and blockchain technology.
  • Personalized collaborations: Instead of generic promotions, work with influencers to develop unique and creative content that resonates with their audience. This could include gameplay showcases, in-depth reviews, or tutorials.
  • Long-term partnerships: Consider building long-term relationships with influencers to maintain consistency in promoting your game. This allows them to become more familiar with the game, resulting in more authentic endorsements.

4. User-generated content:

  • Promote sharing features: Implement easy-to-use sharing features within the game, such as in-game screenshot or video capture tools. Encourage players to share their creations directly from the game.
  • Showcase user-generated content regularly: Highlight user-generated content on social media platforms, your website, or in the game itself. This provides recognition to players and motivates others to contribute.
  • Create themed challenges: Introduce periodic challenges or events that prompt players to create and share content based on a specific theme. This fosters creativity and boosts participation.

5. Referral and loyalty programs:

  • Clearly communicate benefits: Clearly explain the rewards and benefits of referral and loyalty programs to your players. Make sure they understand how they can earn and redeem these rewards.
  • Consistent rewards: Regularly update and add new rewards to keep the referral and loyalty programs enticing. Avoid stagnant or outdated incentives.
  • Track and reward: Implement a reliable tracking system to ensure accurate referral tracking. Reward players promptly when they reach the referral or loyalty milestones.

6. Cross-promotion and partnerships:

  • Relevance and alignment: Select partners who align with your game’s genre, target audience, and values. Ensure there is a clear benefit for both parties involved in the partnership.
  • Cross-promotion events: Collaborate on joint events, such as in-game collaborations, live streams, or tournaments. This provides opportunities to expose each other’s communities to new experiences.
  • Consistent messaging: Maintain consistent messaging and branding across promotional materials and events to create a cohesive experience for players.

7. Regular updates and expansions:

  • Transparent communication: Share a roadmap or development plan with your community to set expectations for future updates and expansions. Regularly communicate progress and changes to keep players engaged.
  • Meaningful updates: Focus on delivering updates that enhance the gameplay experience or introduce new content. Avoid minor updates that may not have a significant impact.
  • Consistent release schedule: Aim to release updates and expansions on a consistent schedule. This helps in building anticipation and keeps players engaged over the long term.

8. Paid advertising campaigns:

  • Targeted advertising: Use audience targeting tools provided by advertising platforms to reach players who are most likely to be interested in your game. Tailor your ads based on their demographics and gaming preferences.
  • Consistent messaging: Ensure that your advertising messaging aligns with the overall branding and tone of your game. This consistency helps in reinforcing your game’s identity in the minds of potential players.
  • Monitor and optimize: Regularly monitor the performance of your ad campaigns and adjust them based on data and insights. Optimize your ad placements, creative assets, and targeting criteria to maximize the effectiveness of your ads.

9. Events and tournaments:

  • Consistent event schedule: Plan and announce events and tournaments in advance, maintaining a consistent schedule. This allows players to anticipate and plan their participation.
  • Attractive prizes and rewards: Offer enticing prizes and rewards to encourage participation and competition. Ensure the rewards are relevant and valuable to the players.
  • Effective promotion: Promote events and tournaments across your social media channels, website, and gaming communities. Collaborate with influencers or relevant partners to extend the reach of your promotions.

10. Collect and leverage player data:

  • Data collection consent: Obtain proper consent from players to collect and analyze their data. Ensure compliance with data protection regulations.
  • Relevant data collection: Collect data that is relevant to improving the game experience, such as gameplay patterns, preferences, and demographics. Focus on collecting data that will provide actionable insights.
  • Data-driven decision-making: Analyze the collected data to gain insights into player behavior and preferences. Utilize these insights to make informed decisions about game updates, marketing strategies, and future expansions.

Factors can influence the cost of blockchain game development

  1. Game Complexity: Game complexity refers to how intricate and advanced the game mechanics, features, graphics, and user interface are. Developing a more complex game with advanced functionalities and detailed graphics requires more time and resources, which increases the development cost. Complex games often have more interactive gameplay, intricate storylines, and visually appealing elements that require additional effort to create.
  2. Platform Compatibility: Platform compatibility refers to the platforms on which the game will be available, such as desktop computers, mobile devices, or virtual reality headsets. Developing a game for multiple platforms can increase the development cost because it requires adapting the game to work well on each platform. Different platforms have unique technical requirements, screen sizes, and input methods, which means additional development work is needed to ensure the game runs smoothly on each platform.
  3. Blockchain Integration: Blockchain integration involves incorporating blockchain technology into the game. This integration requires additional development work, such as creating and implementing smart contracts, integrating cryptocurrency or tokens into the game, setting up a blockchain network, and connecting user wallets to the game. The complexity of blockchain integration can vary depending on the desired features and functionalities, which can impact the development cost.
  4. Art and Design: Art and design are crucial for the visual appeal of a game. The quality of game art, including graphics, character designs, animations, and environments, plays a significant role in attracting and engaging players. Creating detailed and visually rich artwork requires more time and resources, which can increase the development cost. The complexity and intricacy of the desired art style and the number of assets needed for the game also influence the cost.
  5. Team Size and Expertise: The size and expertise of the development team can affect the cost of game development. A larger team with specialized skills and experience in blockchain game development may charge higher rates, but they can also deliver the project more efficiently and effectively. Highly skilled professionals with experience in blockchain technology, game development, art, and design are typically in high demand, which can contribute to the cost.
  6. Game Testing and QA: Thorough testing and quality assurance are essential to ensure the game functions properly and provides a smooth user experience. Testing involves identifying and fixing bugs, optimizing performance, and ensuring the game mechanics work as intended. The complexity of the game and the extent of testing required can influence the cost. More complex games with intricate features and mechanics generally require more testing, which adds to the development cost.
  7. Regulatory Compliance: Depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the game, developers may need to comply with specific regulations and legal requirements. For example, data protection laws or anti-money laundering measures may need to be implemented. Ensuring compliance with these regulations may require additional development work, legal consultations, or security measures, which can increase the development cost.
  8. Localization and Translation: If the game is intended for international markets, localization and translation may be necessary. Localization involves adapting the game’s content, including text, audio, and cultural references, to suit different languages and regions. The number of languages and regions for localization can impact the overall cost, as it requires translating and adapting the game’s assets to different target audiences.
  9. Intellectual Property (IP) Considerations: If the game includes licensed content or requires the creation of proprietary intellectual property, additional costs may arise. This can include licensing fees for using copyrighted materials, legal consultations to ensure compliance with intellectual property laws, or measures to protect the game’s own intellectual property. These considerations can add to the overall development cost.
  10. Ongoing Maintenance and Support: After the game is launched, ongoing maintenance and support are necessary to address any bugs or issues that arise, provide updates and improvements, and maintain the game’s servers. This post-launch support ensures the game remains functional and enjoyable for players. The cost of ongoing maintenance and support should be factored into the overall development cost to ensure the game’s long-term success.




I’m a Blockchain research analyst, an avid learner, and a passionate writer about revolutions in the field of blockchain technology.