Blockchain Technology Redefining Creativity & Transforming The Creator Economy

5 min readMar 12, 2022


Loucas Braconnier, known as Figure31, joined us on this episode of NEWFORUM. Figure31 functions as Loucas digital persona. He is an incredibly rare, hard-working, and persistent artist who invests hours upon hours improving his craft, and it shows in his artworks. His friends in the Web3 space use the word genius when describing Figure31, and our community agrees! Read on, watch his full interview, and you will understand why!

Figure31 studied photography, then moved on to cinema and media studies. He finally ended up with a BA in Visual Arts and Media. The visual and conceptual body of work presented by Figure31 questions the ever-evolving relationship between reality and technology, supported by different computer-generated images, photographs, sculptures, tests, and virtual spaces. All artworks are first created on-chain and are available for anyone with an internet connection.

Figure considers himself a multimedia artist who happens to be working with Blockchain technology.

“ In the past, I’ve worked with print, video, photography, sculpture installation, but right now my main medium is the Blockchain” — Figure31

So how did this Crypto, Web3, Blockchain journey begin for Figure31?

Figure31 explained that when he finished his studies at the university, the pandemic began, and everything he was working on got canceled; he couldn’t go to the gallery or any artist centers or even the museum.
Nothing made sense except to transition to digital art. He shares that this was a tough decision for him at first, but he got into it, and it’s what he is doing now.

“I used to create large-scale installations with sand and some big print; my artwork pretty much filled up the entire space as much as possible. When you are working digitally, it’s like right now the way we consume artwork is mostly on a desktop or iPhone-it’s a simple interface, and it’s a very different relationship to an artwork…” — Figure31

Figure31 says what he finds interesting is the number of images we produce due to the nature of social media and the nature of our work. Technology is used excessively in our daily lives, and he wonders how this changes us as humans and the way we interpret the rest of the world.

“These days, we tend to make the difference between the real space and the digital space; that’s something I hear a lot from other traders in the space. We say IRL (In Real Life), but in real life now is digital also because we spend so much time on our screens, and the space that the screen fills and the time we spend on, is probably equivalent to the time and the space we use and the world we live in right now…” — Figure31

Figure31 suggests that NFTs ( on-chain-art, blockchain art)- will be crucial in defining the balance between artwork existing in the real world; making it transferable not only from a digital standpoint but a physical standpoint is going to be important in the future.

He shared more about his experience working digitally; the benefits and innovation it brought to his artwork as he questions the ever-evolving relationship between reality and technology in his interview.

According to Figure31, Blockchain Technology is a medium, and different artists will use it differently to achieve different results.

“That’s the way I approach it-there are some artists who are more into entertainment, others simply interested in illustration, and that’s all fine. It’s like a giant space with different people with different intentions, and it’s really up to the artist to decide what they want to do with it and live up to their standards, standards of art history, or not at all. They can be doing cartoonish things, and to me, it doesn’t step on the space in which I evolve on the Blockchain…” — Figure31

Figure31 believes that the future of Blockchain Technology is only going to empower artists and creators even further. However, it’s not an easy prediction to make; figuring out how the structure of this digital workspace or art space or art market will look, but the idea of traceability and more collaboration is promising.

“There is no ambiguity of this work is from this artist or not, just like provenance is for sure, and that’s cool, but in terms of how we work; I think we’re going to see so many more collaboration…” — Figure31

Join our community to watch his full interview today! Hear a stimulating discussion between Figure31 and NewForum hosts about the ever-evolving relationship between reality and technology, how it impacts Figure31’s work and artists, and how Blockchain Technology is transforming the creator economy!

“Let’s say you have a photo and then you print it, and then you show it in a gallery that’s it that’s the experience of it; you can write a text about it, you can talk about it with other people, and maybe that nurtures the experience, however, in the digital space, you have the materiality of the image itself or whatever artwork becomes so vast, not limited to a single form, it can be so many more things: you can extract data from an image, you can create a space with it, you can create an atmosphere, you can code the light with it, you can extend it to become a whole map. It is so rich potentially, and that I’m so looking forward to it…” — Figure31

Join the community to learn about @figure31 and discover other creators in the web3 community!

✨Follow Figure31 here!Twitter: @figure31 Discord: figure31 Website: TG: figure31

#web3 #social3 #blockchain #nfts #creatoreconomy #decentralization #community #artist #collaboration #metaverse


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NEWFORUM is powered by Newcoin Foundation, focused on fostering the expansion of decentralized social applications, also known as Social 3.0, forming an ecosystem and a community of visionaries, creators and investors. It provides a safe space for thinkers to communicate, inform and share ideas in order to ensure the conscious and ethical growth of a new web, embedding the values of care, freedom and creativity. ✨ New Episodes every week! Follow us on Twitter, Newlife, Youtube, and LinkedIn to learn more in web3 and meet the ecosystem! Join the ecosystem Discord!

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