Book Review: “Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon

Embrace Inspiration, Unleash Your Creativity, and Steal Like an Artist

Published in
3 min readJul 6, 2023


Photo by Marty O’Neill on Unsplash

In a world where creativity can often feel elusive and originality seems like an impossible feat, Austin Kleon’s book, “Steal Like an Artist” , offers a refreshing perspective on the creative process. With its playful and unconventional approach, this book challenges conventional notions of creativity, inspiring readers to embrace their artistic instincts and find inspiration in unexpected places. In this blog post, we will dive into the key insights and takeaways from this insightful and thought-provoking book.

Unleashing Creativity through Emulation:

Kleon’s central message revolves around the concept of creative theft, encouraging readers to embrace the idea of learning from and building upon the work of others. He argues that imitation is an essential part of the creative process and that by studying and emulating the work of artists we admire, we can cultivate our own unique artistic voices.

Embracing the Remix Culture:

“Steal Like an Artist” celebrates the idea of remixing and repurposing existing ideas to create something new and original. Kleon emphasizes that everything is a remix, and true creativity lies in the ability to combine influences in fresh and unexpected ways. He encourages readers to collect ideas, sources of inspiration, and fragments of creativity, and to use them as building blocks to construct their own creative vision.

The Importance of Side Projects and Creative Play:

Kleon highlights the significance of side projects and creative play in nurturing creativity. He encourages readers to pursue hobbies, indulge in curiosity, and allow themselves to explore new territories without the pressure of perfection. By embracing experimentation and playfulness, we can tap into our innate creativity and discover new avenues of inspiration.

Embracing Constraints:

Contrary to the common belief that creativity thrives in limitless freedom, Kleon argues that constraints can actually fuel our creative fire. He suggests that by setting limitations, whether they be time constraints or specific mediums, we are forced to think innovatively and find unique solutions. Constraints become a catalyst for creative problem-solving and can push us to discover our true artistic potential.

Showcasing the Power of Sharing and Connecting:

“Steal Like an Artist” underscores the importance of sharing our work and connecting with like-minded individuals. Kleon emphasizes the value of building a community, whether it be through online platforms or in-person interactions, as a means of receiving feedback, gaining support, and fueling our creative growth. He emphasizes the significance of collaboration and the power of connecting with fellow creatives to nurture our own artistic journeys.


“Steal Like an Artist” is a delightful and insightful book that challenges the traditional notions of creativity. Austin Kleon’s playful and accessible approach encourages readers to embrace their artistic instincts, find inspiration in unexpected places, and create fearlessly. By debunking the myth of originality and emphasizing the importance of imitation, remixing, and playfulness, Kleon invites us to tap into our innate creativity and discover our unique artistic voices. This book serves as a reminder that creativity is a process, not a destination, and that the key to unlocking our creative potential lies in embracing the influences around us and allowing ourselves to steal, remix, and create in our own authentic way.

