Breaking the Monopoly: How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Cloud Storage

Top crypto projects you should know

Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2023


How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Cloud Storage

Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt the current monopoly of big giants in the cloud storage sector by enabling decentralized and secure storage solutions. One major factor that blockchain brings to the table is the ability to provide users with full control over their data. With traditional cloud storage solutions, users have to rely on centralized entities to store and manage their data, which can leave their data vulnerable to hacking, data breaches, and other security issues. In contrast, blockchain-based storage solutions utilize a distributed network of nodes to store and manage data, ensuring that no single entity has control over user data. This allows for a more secure and transparent storage solution, which could help to undermine the dominance of big giants in the cloud storage sector.

Another benefit of blockchain-based storage solutions is that they can significantly reduce the cost of storage. With traditional cloud storage solutions, users typically have to pay monthly fees for storage, which can quickly add up over time. In contrast, blockchain-based storage solutions utilize a decentralized network of nodes, which means that users can store their data at a much lower cost. This could make blockchain-based storage solutions more accessible to individuals and small businesses, which could help to level the playing field in the cloud storage sector.

Finally, blockchain technology has the potential to improve the privacy and security of cloud storage solutions. Traditional cloud storage solutions are vulnerable to hacking, data breaches, and other security issues, which can compromise the privacy of user data. Blockchain-based storage solutions utilize advanced cryptographic algorithms to encrypt user data, ensuring that it remains secure and private. This could help to address the growing concerns around privacy and security in the cloud storage sector, which could lead to more users opting for blockchain-based storage solutions over traditional cloud storage solutions.

Here are six crypto decentralized projects that are changing the game:

  1. Golem (GLM): Golem is a decentralized cloud computing platform that enables users to rent their unused computing power to others. The project aims to create a global marketplace for computing power, where users can buy and sell computational resources.
  2. Akash Network (AKT): Akash Network is a decentralized cloud computing platform that enables developers to deploy and scale their applications on a secure and decentralized network. The project aims to provide a cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional cloud computing solutions.
  3. iExec (RLC): iExec is a decentralized cloud computing platform that enables developers to deploy and run applications on a secure and decentralized network. The project utilizes blockchain technology to create a secure and transparent marketplace for computing power.
  4. Ankr (ANKR): Ankr is a decentralized cloud computing platform that aims to provide a more cost-effective and efficient alternative to traditional cloud computing solutions. The project utilizes blockchain technology to create a decentralized network of computing resources that can be rented by developers.
  5. Filecoin (FIL): Filecoin is a decentralized storage platform that enables users to rent out unused storage space on their computers to others. The project creates a global marketplace for decentralized storage, where users can buy and sell storage space using the Filecoin cryptocurrency.
  6. Sia (SC): Sia is a decentralized storage platform that enables users to rent out unused storage space on their computers to others. The project creates a secure and decentralized network for storing data, utilizing blockchain technology to ensure that stored data is secure, private, and immutable.

As blockchain technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see more innovative crypto projects emerge in this space, which could help to transform the cloud computing sector and create a more secure and accessible computing ecosystem for all.




Technical writer. Blockchain enthusiastic. Curious about money, investing and everything crypto has to offer.