🇧🇷🇷🇺🇮🇳🇨🇳🇿🇦 BRICS or Not to BRICS? That Is The Crypto Question!

10 min readOct 3, 2023


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🌟 Glance at Todays Edition:

📚 BRICS Origin

🔄 Shifting Sentiment on BRICS: Xi Jinping’s Era

🔍 BRICS from Their Perspective

🚀 Six New Member Countries

📈 BRICS’ GDP and Population

💰 Role of Cryptocurrency in BRICS

🤝 The BRICS Alliance

The recent gathering of BRICS countries in South Africa has sparked intriguing discussions about the potential transformation of the global economic landscape. In this article, we delve into the BRICS alliance, its history, significance, and how it could challenge the dominance of the US dollar with the adoption of cryptocurrency. We’ll also explore the invitation extended to six new countries to join BRICS, considering their role in oil and agriculture production.

📚 Background of BRICS

The term “BRIC” was coined by Jim O’Neill, an economist at Goldman Sachs, in a 2001 research paper titled “Building Better Global Economic BRICs.” He used this acronym to refer to the four countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) that he believed would become dominant global economic players by 2050. These nations showcased significant potential due to factors such as large populations, abundant natural resources, and rapidly growing economies.

South Africa joined the group in 2010, transforming BRIC into BRICS. South Africa’s inclusion was seen as a way to represent the African continent and enhance the group’s global influence. South Africa brought its own economic significance and resources to the coalition.

During this period, many BRICS countries began to join or engage with US-affiliated international organizations. For instance, China’s entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) marked its integration into the global trade system, and other BRICS nations also engaged with various international bodies.

The boom in commodity markets played a crucial role in shaping the initial positive sentiment towards BRICS. Rising prices for commodities such as oil, minerals, and agricultural products contributed to the economic prosperity of these nations and increased their global influence.

🔄 Shifting Sentiment on BRICS

A significant turning point in the sentiment towards BRICS was the ascension of Xi Jinping as the President of China in 2013. Xi’s leadership brought about a shift in China’s foreign policy, marked by a more assertive and expansive approach on the global stage. This change raised concerns among some international actors and led to a reevaluation of China’s role within BRICS.

Another key factor influencing sentiment was China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), launched in 2013. BRI aimed to enhance global infrastructure development through a network of roads, railways, ports, and other infrastructure projects. While BRI had the potential for economic benefits, it also raised geopolitical concerns about China’s growing influence and debt-trap diplomacy.

Around the same time, there was an oversupply of oil, primarily driven by increased production in the United States. This oversupply led to a significant drop in global commodity prices, particularly oil. Since several BRICS countries were major commodity exporters, this decline had a negative impact on their economies and contributed to the shift in sentiment.

Wall Street sentiment towards BRICS investments shifted as well. Initially, there was a bullish outlook, with the creation of BRICS-related investment funds. However, as concerns about the factors mentioned above grew, there was a decline in BRICS-related funds on Wall Street. This shift in sentiment on financial markets had broader implications for BRICS’ economic standing.

Xi Jinping’s policies, including the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s assertive stance in territorial disputes, and a more protectionist approach to trade, caused concern among BRICS member nations and their partners. This shift in China’s behavior led to a reassessment of its role within the BRICS coalition.

🔍 BRICS from Their Perspective

From the BRICS countries’ perspective, the organization began with both informal and formal meetings among their leaders and officials. These meetings served as a platform for diplomatic engagement and cooperation. The first informal meeting of BRICS foreign ministers took place in 2006, but it wasn’t until 2009 that the BRICS countries held their first formal summit, hosted by Russia.

BRICS nations viewed the 2008 global financial crisis as a pivotal moment. The crisis, which originated in Western economies, shook global confidence in the existing economic order and highlighted the vulnerabilities of the dominant financial institutions. BRICS countries perceived this crisis as a catalyst for greater cooperation among themselves.

In 2012, BRICS countries made a significant move by pledging to provide $75 billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). They did this in exchange for reforms within the IMF, particularly aimed at addressing the unequal distribution of voting power and decision-making authority. BRICS nations saw this as an opportunity to play a more significant role in the global financial system.

As BRICS countries observed a lack of progress in implementing the promised IMF reforms, their dissatisfaction grew. They believed that the existing international financial institutions, including the IMF, were not adequately representing their interests. In response, they began exploring alternative proposals and solutions to address the global financial imbalances.

In 2014, BRICS countries took a significant step by establishing two new financial institutions: the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the BRICS Development Bank. These institutions were designed to provide financial stability and support to member nations, reducing their reliance on traditional Western-dominated institutions like the IMF and World Bank.

BRICS nations contributed capital to both the CRA and the BRICS Development Bank. These institutions were intended to serve as a financial safety net, providing member countries with emergency funds during times of financial crisis. The BRICS Development Bank, headquartered in China, focused on funding infrastructure and development projects within member countries.

From the perspective of BRICS countries, the establishment of the CRA and the BRICS Development Bank represented a significant shift in global financial dynamics. They aimed to reduce the dominance of Western financial institutions and assert greater influence in the international financial landscape. BRICS saw these initiatives as a way to address the needs of emerging economies and promote sustainable development on their terms.

🚀 BRICS Expansion

In the most recent development, BRICS countries extended invitations to six additional countries to join the coalition. These countries are Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Argentina. BRICS made this invitation during their annual summit.

The new member countries are expected to become part of BRICS starting in January 2024. This signifies a significant expansion of the coalition beyond its original members.

The expansion of BRICS is notable due to the significance of the new member countries in terms of their contributions to global markets, particularly in the areas of oil and agriculture production.

Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran, and Egypt are all major oil-producing countries. Their inclusion in BRICS expands the coalition’s influence in the global energy sector, potentially affecting oil prices and market dynamics.

Ethiopia and Argentina are recognized as major agricultural producers. Their inclusion in BRICS strengthens the coalition’s position in global agriculture markets, which can have implications for food security and trade.

With the addition of these new member countries, there is speculation about whether the BRICS acronym will change to accommodate them. This raises questions about possible new acronyms and how the coalition might evolve its identity.

The expansion of BRICS also brings about concerns and challenges, particularly related to geopolitical issues and potential repercussions of U.S. sanctions on the new member countries. Each of the new members brings its own unique geopolitical considerations to the coalition.

The inclusion of these new countries significantly enhances BRICS’ economic and geopolitical influence on the global stage. It expands the coalition’s reach and ability to shape international economic and political dynamics.

📈 BRICS Growing Influence

BRICS nations collectively account for approximately 31.5% of global GDP. This places them in a prominent position among the world’s largest economies. Additionally, with a combined population of 3.14 billion people, BRICS nations make up around 41% of the world’s total population.

In terms of economic power, BRICS is often compared to the G7, which consists of the world’s most advanced economies. BRICS nations collectively challenge the economic dominance of the G7 countries.

There is ongoing speculation about BRICS transitioning into an official international organization. This transition could signify a formal recognition of BRICS as a significant global entity. The transition of BRICS into an official organization could have far-reaching implications. It may grant BRICS countries greater legitimacy and influence in international forums and negotiations.

💰 Role of Cryptocurrency in BRICS

BRICS countries recognized the need for a neutral currency in their international trade and financial transactions. This need arises from the desire to reduce reliance on traditional reserve currencies like the U.S. dollar and mitigate the associated risks and dependencies.

Among the options discussed, there was consideration of Bitcoin (BTC) as a potential neutral currency for BRICS. Bitcoin offered characteristics that made it suitable for this role, including its decentralized nature and resistance to manipulation. Bitcoin operates without central control, reducing the influence of any single nation or institution. Blockchain technology provides transparency and security, making it resistant to manipulation. Lastly Bitcoin is a globally recognized digital currency, making it accessible for international transactions. Russia showed particular interest in cryptocurrency and its possible role within the coalition.

Central banks within BRICS countries considered allowing the holding of cryptocurrencies on their balance sheets, beginning in 2025. This potential involvement of central banks marked a significant step toward integrating cryptocurrencies into the financial systems of BRICS nations.

If you want to read more about what the Central Banks are planning and their actions with CBDCs, read more here: 🏛️ 93% of Central Banks are Adopting CBDCs and Gold is…

🌟 Conclusion

BRICS alliance is a dynamic force in today’s world, with the potential to reshape global economics and challenge the dominance of the US dollar. The role of BRICS in the adoption of cryptocurrencies is poised to be a game-changer in the world of finance and geopolitics. It becomes evident that the BRICS nations could play a pivotal role in driving crypto adoption on a global scale.

Among the BRICS nations, Russia has shown a particular interest in cryptocurrencies, likely due to its outsized development of crypto-related technology and the impact of sanctions imposed by the West. Russia’s openness to crypto adoption, as well as its exploration of using cryptocurrencies in international trade, could serve as a catalyst for broader adoption within the BRICS group.

The BRICS’ collective exploration of cryptocurrencies, including discussions of creating unified crypto payment systems and stablecoins, signals their intention to challenge the status quo and reshape the global financial landscape. Their pursuit of a credible and neutral currency for trade, potentially using Bitcoin, highlights the potential for crypto to play a crucial role in the future of international commerce.

❓ FAQs

What are the BRICS countries?

The BRICS countries include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa.

What was the origin of the term “BRICS”?

The term “BRICS” was coined by economist Jim O’Neill in 2001, initially as “BRIC,” to refer to the emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, and China. South Africa later joined in 2010, completing the acronym.

What factors contributed to the initial appeal of BRICS countries?

BRICS countries were initially appealing due to factors like low labor costs, population growth, and abundant natural resources. Additionally, their affiliation with US-led organizations and a booming commodity market contributed to their economic significance.

What initiatives have BRICS countries undertaken to reshape the global financial landscape?

BRICS countries have created the BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA) and the BRICS Development Bank to provide financial support and infrastructure development loans, challenging the dominance of traditional international financial institutions like the IMF and the World Bank.

How could cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin (BTC), play a role in the BRICS alliance?

Cryptocurrency, such as Bitcoin (BTC), is being considered as a potential neutral currency for international trade within the BRICS alliance due to its decentralized nature and resistance to manipulation. Russia’s growing interest in cryptocurrency and discussions within BRICS nations about its adoption indicate a potential shift in financial strategies.

What is the main goal of the BRICS alliance?

The BRICS alliance aims to foster economic cooperation, challenge existing international financial institutions’ dominance, and potentially establish a new global financial order.

🔍 Action Items and Next Steps

1️⃣ Understand BRICS Expansion: Analyze the implications of the BRICS expansion to include Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Iran, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Argentina. Consider how these new members may impact global markets, particularly in oil and agriculture production.

2️ Prepare for Regulatory Changes: Anticipate potential regulatory changes related to cryptocurrencies in BRICS countries. Be prepared to adapt your crypto-related activities to comply with evolving regulations.

3️ Prepare for Cryptocurrency’s Role: If you’re in the financial sector, prepare for the possible integration of cryptocurrencies into the financial systems of BRICS nations. This may include considerations related to cryptocurrency holdings and transactions.

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