Broskees — The Million Dollar NFT collection from Pakistan

Muhammad Mubashir
5 min readNov 2, 2022


While learning about the Blockchain and NFTs, I saw a video of Ramish Safa about this collection Broskees. The First thought was but why is he even doing it? The second was let’s just explore what he is up to which led me to join their discord and experience how this community grew and evolved and was able to sell all of their 1691 Broskees NFT.

Broskees is a brainchild of Ramish Safa, as per their blog,

“The Broskees collection consists of 1691 carefully crafted NFTs. Each NFT represents a unique and distinct personality of its own, as perceived by Ramish Safa’s interpretation of the world and his individual life experiences. These are not just PFP NFTs. These NFTs represent a belief system, a philosophy if you will; a dedication towards education, generosity, compassion and community collaboration. This is our mission and promise to our community.“

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They open premint sale of 1691 NFTs with a price of 0.169 Eth each and public sale was of 0.2 Eth. Ethereum was approximately $2620 on its launch date. Doing all the calculations they were able to make a million dollars out of their collection.

But the question is how did they do it. In result, I have divided this blog post into multiple parts to make you understand the different aspects this community used to hatch a million dollars out of their NFTs.

Community Team

I have mentioned this in my previous blog post too, Community is an essential part of any NFT collection and Broskees started making it. They gathered a team of moderators, web 3.0 marketers, and developers to make a team to make this collection successful. The team is from different regions, specializing in their domains to execute all the plans given by the founder. They were responsible to create a verification process, generate conversations, automate tasks, gamify the experience, maintaining bots, code smart contracts and live sessions stating about their progress.They launched their community on Discord followed by a Twitter account to complement both mediums.


Attracting anyone to buy into your collections is the roadmap. Broskees mentions setting up a Broskees academy and incubators and accelerators to help NFT holders learn about the NFT world and help gain financial independence. They backed their promise by their performance of previous companies and by helping the community learn different terms about the space tagged with tricks and tips about the space.

You can find the complete article about it in this article.


Whitelisting allows NFT projects to offer their communities the opportunity to mint an NFT sale prior to its public minting or sale. Broskees used this as a hook to keep their community engaged by infusing the chance to get a whitelist spot in their social media posts and in discord conversations. They also set the deadline for closing their whitelist and then leaving the spots for public sale. They used this smartly and given they only have 1691 NFTs and a total of 3000 members, every member was engaging in the conversation at every time.


Broskees team was consistently announcing giveaways on their discord to keep the audience engaged, to keep them contributing to the community. The idea was to giveaway to people with most engagement or the highest percentage growth of conversation contribution. Giving away whitelist spots, merch and whitelists spot for other NFT collections.

Gamifying the experience

They built in gamification in their community from the start. From the first to react to some post or leaderboards or gaming competitions served by pre-built bots to accelerate conversions. Games on guessing movies through images, doddle competitions, and random karaoke nights were the few things that built the gamification in the community.

Twitter bombarding

Broskees used twitter as their second medium to promote their collection and built the hype for Broskees. The team would redirect the conversation from discord to their Twitter and the community would follow. Automatically whatever they were tweeting was getting up on the timeline which as result increased the number of followers. Additionally, they used the basic posts of tagging 3 friends and retweeting to make them contenders for the whitelist spots.

Moreover, they were cross-posting in partnership with different NFT collections to get their followers on board too.


Collaboration was always seen as crucial to Broskees team. From the start, they engaged artists that were growing in the space and have a decent understanding of the community. Consequently, those artists were able to bring their followers to the community. Additionally, open call for fan art was posted which led them to get more eyeballs through micro-influencer artist work. Moreover, Broskees partnered with several NFT collections and made fan art with them. With this collaboration, they were able to help the community to get Whitelist spots of partner NFT collections to earn some bucks from it and vice versa.

FOMO posts and Sneak Peek posts

Fearing of missing out is used smartly by marketers to increase the sale, Broskees did the same. They announced their launch date and integrated that in their tweets to make sure they were able to fill all the whitelist spots to secure the earnings right before the launch dates. In parallel, they started sharing sneak peeks of the collections to heighten members’ interest in the NFT collection itself. Finally, as for FOMO posts, they set up the deadline for wallet address collections to make it more secure for their team to lock the earnings beforehand.

Curation, Reporting and Automation

Broskees team was particular about easing the process and was implementing automation through bots from the start. Starting from the verification process to allowing whitelisted members to a certain channel was automated. Gaming Bots were scheduled in advance and were programmed to award the winner automatically. The team took great care in notifying people about any breach in the community and was active in eliminating if there was any violation of community rules.

Ramish talking about the collection

These were some of the points that enabled them to sell their collection and make it a successful launch. You can follow the same methods and use them in your collection to make it a success.

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