Build your own dapp web3 and win $6M in prizes and funding with the Supernova Hackathon

Get your web3 blockchain project funded with Supernova Hackathon

Paolo ∞
Published in
3 min readApr 11, 2022


Are you building a blockchain web3 dapp project or you would like to start?

From May 10 to June 20, the Supernova Hackathon organized by DFINITY will take place with $6 million up for grabs🌌.

You will have the chance to create your own 100% on-chain dapp on the Internet Computer Protocol: the world’s fastest and infinitely scalable blockchain, which has the potential to solve the blockchain trilemma: security, scalability and decentralization.

Don’t feel ready? The opportunity is open to web3 blockchain beginners as well:

Six weeks of workshops have begun that will get you everything you need to create your first dapp, mint an nft and more in the Internet Computer. Classes will be recorded so you can catch up on all the material.

You will have the opportunity to develop your idea or join a team of developers with a project, in the discord channel you will find a dedicated section.

Useful Info

Location: Online
Team building: Discord
Appointments: Devpost

Which kind of dapp can I create on the Internet Computer?

On the Internet Computer you can create anything you create on the web2, in the web3, within interoperable canisters(smart contracts).

Check out the dapps already within the ecosystem:

DSCVR: a decentralized version of Reddit, where users are the owners. Built on Internet Computers, and accessible from any browser.

a footage of the website

InfinitySwap: an AMM platform for creating, staking and exchanging tokens on Internet Computer. Backed by Polychain Capital and 9YardsCapital

Entrepot: on-chain tools and services to design, deploy and manage traditional NFTs and tokens.

Learn more on

What are the themes of the Supernova Hackathon?

The hackathon is for you who want to create something on:

  • web3
  • defi
  • nft, gaming, metaverse
  • decentralized social
  • facilitate the IC infrastructure
  • create a social impact initiative

For the winners:

  • $6 million in prizes up for grabs
  • The chance to be known by the ICP ecosystem and get early adopters.
  • The chance to get grants on top of the prizes.

Discover the 15 partners such as Huobi, Messari, Electric Capital, Polychain Capital.

If you are a digital entrepreneur or a developer or a web3 enthusiast this is an opportunity for you.

Learn more and apply:

Join Coinmonks Telegram Channel and Youtube Channel learn about crypto trading and investing

Also, Read



Paolo ∞

Marketer//PM//Entrepreneur in the web3. ICP Enthusiast.