Building a Simple Registration Contract in Solidity: A Step-by-Step Guide


Santiago Trujillo Zuluaga
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2023


Solidity, a programming language specifically designed for developing smart contracts on the EVMs blockchains, empowers developers to create decentralized applications with self-executing code. In this article, we will explore how to build a simple registration contract using Solidity. We will walk through the code implementation, explaining each step along the way.


To follow along with this guide, you will need the following:

  • Remix IDE: Set up the Remix IDE, which provides an integrated development environment for Solidity development.

Step 1

Contract Structure Let’s start by defining the structure of our registration contract:

pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract Registration {
// Variables, events, and functions will be defined here.

Step 2

Declare Variables Next, let’s declare the variables needed for our registration contract:

contract Registration {
mapping(address => bool) public registeredUsers;
uint256 public totalRegisteredUsers;

// Constructor
constructor() {
totalRegisteredUsers = 0;

// Functions will be defined here.

In this example, we use a mapping called registeredUsers to keep track of registered users by their Ethereum addresses. We also declare a totalRegisteredUsers variable to store the count of registered users.

Step 3:

Implement the Registration Function Now, let’s implement the registration function that allows users to register themselves:

contract Registration {
// Previous code

function register() public {
require(!registeredUsers[msg.sender], "Already registered");

registeredUsers[msg.sender] = true;

// Additional functions if needed

Here, the register function checks if the user is not already registered by verifying the registeredUsers mapping. If the user is not registered, their Ethereum address is added to the mapping, and the totalRegisteredUsers count is incremented.

Step 4

Adding Event for Registration To provide additional information when a user registers, let’s add an event to our contract:

contract Registration {
// Previous code

event UserRegistered(address indexed user);

function register() public {
// Previous code

emit UserRegistered(msg.sender);

// Additional functions if needed

The UserRegistered event emits the address of the user who successfully registers. This event can be listened to by external applications to perform further actions when a user registers.


Congratulations! You have successfully built a simple registration contract using Solidity. This example demonstrates the core concepts of Solidity programming, including contract structure, variable declaration, function implementation, and event usage. With this foundation, you can expand the functionality of the contract to suit your specific use case.

To deploy the contract and interact with it, you can use the Remix IDE. For more detailed instructions on deployment and testing, refer to this article: Getting Started with Smart Contract Development in Solidity: A Beginner’s Guide with code snippets

Note: This article provides a simplified example for educational purposes. In a real-world scenario, additional considerations, such as access control, data validation, and error handling, should be taken into account.

