Building the Cardano Ecosystem through Project Catalyst

Providing a non-VC gateway for building in Cardano

Miguel Saldana
Published in
4 min readOct 17, 2022


Image from IOHK Blog on Catalyst: Source

Taking a look at Project Catalyst, there can easily be made conclusions that it is a VC firm, but this is far from the truth. Project Catalyst, or just Catalyst for short, is a decentralized platform that was built within the Cardano Ecosystem to establish and enable a way to funnel funds from the Cardano Treasury to project teams. In the initialization of Catalyst, it was led and guided by members of IOG (Input Output Global, the principal developers of the Cardano Blockchain) along with community members. The plan for Catalyst is that over time the project will be slowly transitioned over to the community to run and manage the mechanisms that deliver funds to project teams. Many projects and teams have been built up utilizing funds from Catalyst to help develop Dapps, and tooling for developers, along with a wide variety of other initiatives that help promote, build and raise awareness around Cardano.

The Big Picture

When taking a macroscopic view of Catalyst, it might be very easy to confuse how it could be mistaken as a decentralized VC platform, but when you dive into the details of how it works, that is an unfair comparison. The core of venture capital firms squarely revolves around providing seed…



Miguel Saldana

Engineer trying to implement technology for a positive impact