Cardano and Real Finance is a Great Fit (CRDNS pool)


Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the most promising emerging sector in the cryptocurrency space. However, this sector lacks the necessary stability and reliability, two crucial prerequisites for further adoption. Cardano can bring DeFi to mainstream users and thus create real finance (RealFi).

Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies might be two different things

Many people mistakenly believe that cryptocurrencies are a suitable tool for a new financial revolution based on blockchain. The reality is that blockchain is a perfect fit for the world of finance. Unfortunately, native coin projects have little use in the world of finance. If a blockchain network is to be decentralized, it needs native coins that are used as a vehicle to reach that goal. Thus, the decentralization of the Cardano network grows along with the distribution of ADA coins among new users and the emergence of new pools. ADA coins are and will be highly volatile in the future. As the importance of the network grows, the price of ADA coins is likely to grow as well. What the value will be in 10 or 20 years, no one can accurately predict today. Since growth is expected, people mostly hold the coins as a speculative asset.

It is similar for all other projects. If the coins were stable in value, there would not be so much demand…


-- (CRDNS pool)

Proud Cardano ambassadors Jaromir Tesar & Lukas Barta. Operators of Cardanians pool with ticker #CRDNS — stake with us!