Censorship resistance is the key to crypto



Photo by Markus Winkler on Unsplash

A critical question when starting a new business venture is how to proceed without being controlled by the government or other big players? Cryptocurrency has been around for many years and its popularity has grown steadily. In fact, it’s the only digital currency that remains untaxed.That is, until now. The world of digital currency has grown so quickly that many businesses have simply been left in the lurch. Many cryptocurrency investors have become so cowed by the sheer volume of requests for permission to do business with cryptocurrency that they’ve been unable to adopt a model of open and transparent supply and demand research that would make them comfortable enough to do business with cryptocurrency. That leaves those who aren’t yet accustomed to being censored as the key resistance groups in developing their business plans. That’s because censorship resistance is a two-way street. If you don’t know how to take care of your customers, suppliers and employees, you won’t be able to control your own actions or those of others. That means bitcoin miners and other cryptocurrency miners will remain vulnerable to disruption even if they change their minds about what percent of the token supply is appropriate for them to sell.

You could have a government with invasive technology to monitor citizens:

