Central bank is the mother of the crypto afterall



Photo by GR Stocks on Unsplash

As the old saying goes, “The hidden power of the government is to support or contravene the will of the people.” The central bank is no exception. In fact, it’s so powerful that it can even contravene the will of the people. That’s right: The Federal Reserve Bank President Bernanke has been able to control what money the central bank prints and how much interest it levies on those funds. This allows for a variety of strategies to combat inflation and other financial crises. However, all this power rests on a thin sword — the federal government. Because with so much power comes responsibility. What action will you take when your authority over money is challenged? When you see yourself VERSUS opponent as the central bank? Here’s why you should fight back.

What is the Federal Reserve Bank?

Friedan’s famous definition of power is “the ability to do or affect things which the rest of the world does or does not do.” It is the ability to controlling and influencing the financial and economic outcomes of others. In short, the central bank is the entity that has the power to control the flow of money and make or break a financial crisis. In that sense, the federal government is also the most powerful entity in all of reality: It’s the one who controls and decides what happens in the world around it.

