CHAPTER 2: Advantages of Smart Contracts — Revolutionizing Industries

Lazar Marković
Published in
5 min readOct 19, 2023


As we journey deeper into the world of smart contracts, our focus now turns to the myriad advantages they offer, igniting transformation across various industries. These self-executing digital agreements are far more than just lines of code. They are powerful tools that automate processes, enhance transparency, and usher in cost savings, offering substantial benefits to all parties involved.

Advantages of Smart Contract

The Power of Automation

One of the most compelling advantages of smart contracts is their ability to automate processes seamlessly. Traditional agreements often require manual intervention, involving multiple steps that can be time-consuming and prone to human error. Smart contracts, on the other hand, execute automatically when predetermined conditions are met, removing the need for human oversight.

Automation with Smart Contracts

Let’s explore how this automation unfolds in various industries:

Financial Sector: In the realm of finance, smart contracts streamline processes such as loan approvals, asset transfers, and insurance claims. When predefined conditions, like the verification of collateral or the occurrence of specific events, are satisfied, smart contracts ensure instantaneous execution. This eliminates the need for intermediaries and accelerates transactions.

Supply Chain Management: The supply chain industry is notorious for its complexity, involving multiple stakeholders, transactions, and record-keeping. Smart contracts automate tasks such as tracking the movement of goods, verifying delivery, and releasing payments. This level of automation not only reduces manual errors but also enhances traceability, ensuring the authenticity of products from their origin to the end consumer.

Real Estate: As we discussed in the previous chapter, smart contracts revolutionize real estate transactions. By automating processes such as property inspections, title searches, and payment transfers, they expedite the entire transaction. All parties involved can track the progress in real-time, fostering trust and minimizing delays.

Legal Sector: Even in the legal sector, smart contracts find their place. They automate legal agreements and processes, ensuring the efficient execution of legal conditions. This can include the automation of wills, escrow agreements, and intellectual property rights. These automated agreements enhance accuracy and eliminate the need for costly legal intermediaries.

Enhancing Transparency

Smart contracts also offer a significant advantage in terms of transparency. Transactions and actions within a smart contract are recorded on the blockchain, creating a tamper-proof ledger that is visible to all parties involved. This transparency is a game-changer, especially in industries where trust is paramount.

Transparency in Smart Contracts

Voting Systems: In the realm of electronic voting, smart contracts enhance transparency and security. Votes are securely recorded on the blockchain, making election results tamper-resistant and auditable. This level of transparency ensures trust in the democratic process.

Healthcare: In healthcare, smart contracts secure patient data and enable secure sharing of medical records among healthcare providers. This transparency improves patient care by ensuring that accurate information is available to those who need it.

Intellectual Property: In the realm of intellectual property, smart contracts secure the rights of creators and ensure fair compensation. Artists and content creators can protect their work, and smart contracts enable transparent royalties through automated payments.

Supply Chain: The supply chain industry benefits from smart contracts by providing transparent information about the movement of products. This transparency ensures that consumers can trust the authenticity of the products they purchase.

Financial Services: The financial sector leverages smart contracts to enhance the transparency of transactions. Parties involved can easily verify the terms and conditions, reducing disputes and enhancing trust.

Cost Savings

Last but not least, smart contracts lead to substantial cost savings. By automating processes and removing the need for intermediaries, they significantly reduce operational costs. In this analysis we can see that costs are ranked as a third benefit:

The biggest benefits of Smart Contracts

Here’s how it unfolds in various sectors:

Financial Services: Smart contracts reduce costs associated with intermediary services, such as banks and financial institutions. Transactions become faster and cheaper, and there’s a significant reduction in fees.

Supply Chain: The automation and transparency of smart contracts eliminate costs related to disputes, errors, and fraud. This is particularly beneficial in international trade and shipping, where discrepancies can be costly.

Insurance: In the insurance industry, smart contracts automate the claims process. This automation results in faster claims processing and reduced administrative costs.

Legal Sector: Automation of legal processes through smart contracts reduces legal fees and administrative expenses.

Real Estate: In real estate, smart contracts eliminate fees associated with real estate agents and title companies. This leads to cost savings for both buyers and sellers.

The advantages of smart contracts are clear, spanning automation, transparency, and cost savings. As we journey further, we will explore the real-world applications of smart contracts, shedding light on how these digital agreements are transforming a wide range of industries. So, stay with us as we continue to unveil the full potential and impact of smart contracts on the world.

I am grateful for your time spent reading this article, and I trust that you’ve found it both informative and insightful. In my forthcoming articles, I will take a deeper dive into the practical workings of smart contract automation and explore the exciting horizons unlocked by cross-chain smart contract automation.

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Thank you for being part of this journey, and I look forward to sharing more knowledge and discoveries with you.



Lazar Marković

Software engineer deeply passionate about blockchain technology. Join me on an exciting journey into the world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.