CoinGecko Launches Crypto Securities Index Which Includes Tron, Solana, Binance
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2023


Coingecko, a website alot of us here have used in the recent past has now released an index fund detailing all of the cryptocurrencies that might just be stocks as said by the SEC. (Securities Exchange Comission — A prominent regulatory body in the US)

This comes in a time of financial uncertainty in the crypto world as there are simply too many tokens to track when it comes up to the resources of the SEC — 24 tokens were listed to be apart of the index, some of the most notable tokens being Tron, Solana, and Binance. It’s sad to see those tokens go away like that, but it’s a necessity.

Went from 91 billion to 90.26B, that’s not much of a decrease but it still shows what’re being targetted by the SEC. There is an undoubtedly direct correlation between some of the personal feuds some of the employees at the SEC have — such as gary gensler pumping and dumping Algorand back in the day when he used to shill it — with the price graph there to prove it. Who knows why the other tokens are on that list, maybe an employee had wanted Monolith under scrutiny because he lost 12% in a price decrease..All we know is that the small mcap tokens on that list had only gone up after being directly assaulted by SEC regulations.

My theory is that the SEC looked for the easiest people to take to court, and whoever is on that list was likely the most transparent which means that they’re also the most trustable. Turns out there was a disadvantage to being transparent after all.

Regardless, we have no idea what’s to come now other than the fact that Ripple is likely going to stay a crypto and not a security. I still remember when it shot up 70% overnight…It made alot of people rich — very fast.

I personally knew a guy that went from 13,000$ to 20,000$ just because of the jump in action.

Anyhow, that’s all for today, I hope this has informed you a decent amount and that you’re fulfilled with what you’ve gotten out of this article.




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