Coinmonks Letter #27, Brand new Coinmonks Job Portal 🎉🎉

Do not fear failure but rather fear not trying

Gaurav Agrawal
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2 min readMar 12, 2019


Coinmonks- Embracing Future Technologies

We have revamped Coinmonks Job Portal, Join our telegram and let us know, How you liked it? 🎉🎉🎉🎉

Looking for Blockchain/Crypto writers?

We recently launched ContentCat to help businesses with rich educational content. If you are blockchain/crypto company and need rich content, let’s get on a call.

Quote of the Week-

“Courage doesn’t always roar, sometimes it’s the quiet voice at the end of the day whispering ‘I will try again tomorrow” ― Mary Anne Radmacher

Story of the Week 👇 👇

A universal framework for understanding incentive design in crypto and fiat systems Part-1

In order to change a prevailing extant system, one must first understand the system itself and that it is the nature of the system to resist a change. To solve the Coordination Problem, one must first understand clearly (a) how existing third-party enforcement rule systems work to create trust and (b) how the Bitcoin solution and its proposed decentralized governance system can provide a clear advantage to network users over Fiat at the level of incentive design.

What we found useful in the ongoing viksavaakya is a universal framework that can bring clarity and fine-tune our approach to enable such a transition and successfully create a decentralized economy.

👉 Read full story

By Varun Vruddhula (Varun is an Aerospace Engineer who fell into the crypto rabbit hole, Follow him on Twitter)

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That’s it for now, send me ❤️, until next time 😄.

