Comprehensive Guide to ERC20 Tokens and Implementation Using OpenZeppelin

Introduction to ERC20

Muhammad Waqas
Published in
6 min readJul 2, 2024


Photo by Ferhat Deniz Fors on Unsplash

The term “ERC20” comes from “Ethereum Request for Comment,” analogous to “Request for Comment” (RFC) in traditional IT, used for proposing standards. ERC20 specifically refers to the 20th proposal, which aimed to establish a standardized interface for fungible tokens on Ethereum. Over time, ERC was replaced by “EIP” (Ethereum Improvement Proposals) to clarify its role in protocol enhancements.

What is a Fungible Token?

Fungible tokens are digital assets where each unit is identical and interchangeable, similar to fiat currencies where each unit holds the same value regardless of physical differences. In ERC20, tokens do not possess unique identifiers, making each token equivalent in value and function.

ERC20 Standard Interface

The ERC20 standard defines essential functions that a compliant token must implement, facilitating consistent interactions across different platforms and applications:

  • balanceOf: Retrieves the token balance of a specified account.
  • transfer: Allows an account to transfer tokens to another address.
  • transferFrom: Enables tokens to be transferred from one address to another via a third party, given prior approval.
  • approve and allowance: Manage permissions, allowing one account to withdraw tokens from another up to a specified limit.

Implementing ERC20 Using OpenZeppelin

OpenZeppelin provides a secure, standardized library for creating ERC20 tokens. Here’s a simple token implementation:

This code initializes a new ERC20 token with a specified name and symbol.

Advanced ERC20 Features: Minting and Burning

OpenZeppelin supports advanced functionalities such as minting and burning tokens:

  • Minting: Creating new tokens, which increases the supply.
  • Burning: Destroying tokens, which decreases the supply.

Fixed vs. Variable Supply Tokens

  • Fixed Supply Tokens: The total supply is set during contract deployment and remains unchanged.
  • Variable Supply Tokens: The supply can be adjusted post-deployment through minting and burning mechanisms.

Ownership and Access Control

OpenZeppelin’s Ownable and AccessControl contracts provide mechanisms for managing permissions and roles:

Simple Ownership

Using Ownable for single-owner control:

Role-Based Access Control

For distributed permissions, AccessControl allows defining various roles:

Practical Example: CoffeeToken Implementation

The CoffeeToken contract is a practical application of ERC20 tokens using OpenZeppelin’s ERC20 and AccessControl modules. It represents a digital voucher system where tokens can be used to purchase coffee. This contract not only allows the issuance and redemption of tokens as coffee vouchers but also includes mechanisms for flexible token management and transaction validation. Here’s an in-depth look at the code:

Key Components Explained

  • AccessControl Integration: This contract uses OpenZeppelin’s AccessControl to manage roles, particularly the MINTER_ROLE. This allows the contract to designate specific addresses that can mint new tokens, adding a layer of security and administrative control.
  • Constructor: Upon deployment, the constructor initializes the token with a name (“CoffeeToken”) and a symbol (“CFE”). It also sets up role-based access control by assigning the DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE and MINTER_ROLE to the deployer of the contract. This setup ensures that the deployer has full control over the token's administrative functions.
  • Mint Function: The mint function allows authorized addresses (those assigned the MINTER_ROLE) to create new tokens and allocate them to specified addresses. This is crucial for managing the supply of coffee vouchers according to demand.
  • Buying Coffee: The buyOneCoffee function allows a token holder to redeem a token in exchange for a coffee. This function burns one token from the caller's balance and logs the transaction through the CoffeePurchased event, providing a traceable record of each transaction.
  • Delegated Purchase: The buyOneCoffeeFrom function extends the purchasing capability by allowing a user to buy coffee on behalf of another account, provided that the initial account has given sufficient allowance to the caller. This function checks and spends the allowance before burning the token, ensuring that tokens are only spent with proper authorization.

Guide to Interacting with the CoffeeToken Smart Contract on Remix

After deploying the CoffeeToken smart contract in Remix, you’ll see various functions available in the “DEPLOY & RUN TRANSACTIONS” panel.

Here’s a detailed explanation of how to interact with each function and what they do:

Common Functions

  • approve: Allows a spender to withdraw up to a specified amount of tokens from your account. This is necessary for functions that involve third-party transactions, like transferFrom.
  • transfer: Directly transfers tokens from your account to another address.
  • transferFrom: Allows a spender to transfer tokens on your behalf to another address, assuming approve has been previously called.
  • allowance: Shows the remaining number of tokens that a spender can withdraw from an owner.
  • balanceOf: Displays the token balance of a specific address.

Coffee Purchase Functions

  • buyOneCoffee: Redeems one token from your balance in exchange for a coffee. This function burns one token and emits a CoffeePurchased event.
  • buyOneCoffeeFrom: Allows you to buy coffee on behalf of another account, using the tokens from that account, assuming they have given you an allowance to use their tokens.

Administrative Functions

  • mint: Creates new tokens and assigns them to a specified address, only callable by accounts with the MINTER_ROLE.
  • grantRole: Grants a specified role to an account. This is particularly useful for assigning the MINTER_ROLE to new accounts.
  • renounceRole: Lets a caller renounce a role they currently hold.
  • revokeRole: Revokes a role from an account, useful for removing MINTER_ROLE from an account.

Role Management

  • hasRole: Checks if an address has a particular role, useful for verification before performing role-specific actions.

Contract Information

  • name: Displays the name of the token.
  • symbol: Shows the symbol associated with the token.
  • decimals: Reveals the number of decimals the token uses.
  • totalSupply: Shows the total supply of tokens currently in existence.

Advanced Role Management and Events

  • DEFAULT_ADMIN_ROLE: Used in role management functions to specify the default admin role, which typically has permissions to manage other roles.
  • getRoleAdmin: Determines the admin role for a specific role, which can manage that role.

When using these functions in Remix, make sure to input the necessary parameters such as addresses and amounts where required. For example, when calling mint, you'll need to specify the recipient's address and the amount of tokens to mint. For administrative actions like grantRole or revokeRole, you'll also need to specify the role identifier (bytes32) and the target address.

This interface allows you to interact comprehensively with the CoffeeToken smart contract, facilitating both general user transactions like buying coffee and administrative actions like minting new tokens or managing roles. Remember that performing certain actions (like minting) requires specific roles, so ensure you have the necessary permissions set up before attempting these actions.

This implementation of CoffeeToken showcases how ERC20 tokens can be used in real-world applications, highlighting the adaptability of blockchain technology for everyday transactions and business needs. By utilizing OpenZeppelin’s secure and standardized contracts, developers can ensure that such systems are robust and compliant with best practices in smart contract development.

