Cracking Down on Sanctions Evasion: Tether Takes a Stand

Dr. Mesut İnan
2 min readApr 25, 2024


Tether, the issuer of the stablecoin USDT, has made a significant announcement regarding its stance on sanctions evasion in Venezuela. The company has revealed plans to freeze wallets that have been involved in using its currency to circumvent sanctions on Venezuelan oil exports. This decisive action underscores the cryptocurrency sector’s growing responsibility for global financial compliance.

PDVSA Increases Use of USDT to Bypass U.S. Sanctions

The move comes in response to reports that PDVSA, Venezuela’s state-owned oil company, has been ramping up its use of Tether’s USDT to evade U.S. sanctions on its oil exports. These sanctions were recently re-imposed due to concerns about the integrity of Venezuela’s upcoming election, prompting PDVSA to seek alternative ways to sustain its operations.

Tether responded swiftly to the situation by freezing 41 wallets in December, all of which were linked to individuals or entities on the U.S. Treasury Department’s OFAC Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list. This list comprises individuals and companies identified by the U.S. government as threats to national security, foreign policy, or the economy, engaging in activities such as terrorism and narcotics trafficking.

The utilization of USDT by PDVSA began last year and has intensified following the reimplementation of sanctions by the U.S. By leveraging the pseudonymity of digital currencies, PDVSA hoped to continue accessing international oil markets despite the sanctions. However, Tether’s proactive measures to freeze associated wallets highlight a significant shift towards transparency and regulation in the cryptocurrency space, which is often criticized for its potential to enable financial crimes due to its inherent anonymity.

More About Tether

Tether’s actions also demonstrate the increasing pressure on crypto firms to comply with international sanctions and regulations. As cryptocurrencies become increasingly integrated into global finance, expectations for these platforms to enforce legal standards grow. Freezing wallets linked to sanctioned entities showcases Tether’s commitment to preventing the misuse of its digital currency for illegal purposes.

This situation brings to light the broader implications of cryptocurrency use in international trade and sanctions evasion, raising important questions about the balance between innovation in the digital currency space and the need for regulatory oversight to prevent financial crimes.



Dr. Mesut İnan

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