Create a Bitcoin Multi-Signature Escrow with Node.js πŸš€

Create a secure Bitcoin escrow with Node.js and bitcore-lib. Safeguard transactions for buyers and sellers alike.

Abhishek Chauhan
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2023


Bitcoin Multi-Signature Escrow
Bitcoin Multi-Signature Escrow


In the digital age, ensuring secure online transactions is paramount. A Bitcoin multi-signature escrow offers a decentralized solution, safeguarding both buyers and sellers. This article delves into creating such an escrow service using Node.js and bitcore-lib.

What is a Multi-Signature Transaction?

A multi-signature (often termed multisig) transaction is like a vault 🏦 that requires multiple keys πŸ”‘ to open. Imagine a 2-of-3 multisig setup. Here, you’d have three keyholders:

  1. Buyer πŸ›
  2. Seller πŸͺ
  3. Escrow Service 🀝

To release funds from the multi-signature address, two of these participants must provide their signatures. This setup ensures that should there be a dispute, the escrow service can decide and co-sign with either the buyer or the seller.

Real-World Use Cases of Multi-Signature Escrow Services 🌍

Bitcoin’s multi-signature capability doesn’t just serve as a neat technical feat; it’s been employed across various industries and scenarios to enhance security and distribute trust. Here are some prominent use cases:

  1. πŸ›’ E-commerce Platforms:

    β€” Traditional e-commerce platforms can integrate multi-signature escrows to ensure that the seller only receives funds once the buyer has received the intended goods or services.

    β€” Especially beneficial for high-value transactions or where the buyer and seller might not trust each other fully.
  2. πŸ–₯️ Freelance Job Platforms:

    Platforms like Upwork or Fiverr can utilize multi-signature escrow to hold funds until the job is completed to the satisfaction of both parties.

    β€” This ensures that freelancers are paid for their work and clients receive the promised service.
  3. 🏠 Real Estate Transactions:

    With the growing integration of blockchain in the real estate sector, multi-signature escrows can be used in property deals. This assures all parties β€” the buyer, seller, and possibly a neutral third-party arbitrator β€” that the conditions of the sale are met before funds are released.
  4. πŸ’‘ Joint Savings and Trust Funds:

    β€” A couple or business partners might opt for multi-signature wallets for their joint savings, ensuring no funds can be spent without the agreement of both parties.

    β€” It adds an extra layer of protection against impulsive or unsanctioned transactions.
  5. πŸ” Security Enhancements for Exchanges and Wallets:

    β€” Cryptocurrency exchanges and wallet services use multi-signature wallets to heighten security. Often, one key is kept offline in a cold storage setup, ensuring that even if online systems are compromised, funds remain secure.
  6. 🏒 Board Decisions in Corporations:

    Companies can ensure that funds are only spent when board members or key executives unanimously decide on financial matters. This might be especially useful for startups or companies that operate with decentralized decision-making processes.
  7. 🌐 Cross-Border Trade and Finance:

    β€” Multi-signature escrows can facilitate international trade, where different parties can verify the arrival of goods or completion of services before releasing payments, minimizing fraud and increasing trust.
  8. πŸ’° Crowdfunding and ICOs:

    β€” Funds raised for a project can be stored in a multi-signature address. This ensures that funds are only accessed as per the laid-out roadmap or upon meeting certain milestones.

Let’s Set Things Up βš™οΈ

To get started, you will need to install the required libraries:

npm install bitcore-lib axios

Step 1: Retrieve UTXOs

To create a Bitcoin transaction, you need to fetch the Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) associated with the multi-signature address:

const axios = require("axios");

// Step 1: Retrieve UTXOs
async function getUTXOs(address) {
try {
const { data: utxos } = await axios.get(`${address}/utxo`);
return utxos;
} catch (error) {
console.error("Failed to fetch UTXOs:", error);
return [];

Step 2: Create a Multi-Signature Address

Here’s how to create a 2-of-3 multi-signature address:

const bitcore = require("bitcore-lib");

// Step 2: Create a Multi-Signature Address
function createMultisigAddress(buyerPubKey, sellerPubKey, escrowPubKey) {
const publicKeys = [buyerPubKey, sellerPubKey, escrowPubKey];
const address = new bitcore.Address(publicKeys, 2); // 2 of 3 signatures required
return address.toString();

Step 3: Craft the Multi-Signature Transaction

After obtaining the UTXOs, you can craft a Bitcoin transaction:

async function createEscrowTransaction(multisigAddress, recipientAddress, amount, buyerKey, sellerKey) {
const tx = new bitcore.Transaction();

// Step 3: Craft the Multi-Signature Transaction
const utxos = await getUTXOs(multisigAddress);
if (!utxos.length) {
throw new Error("No UTXOs found for this address.");

tx.from(utxos);, amount);
tx.sign([buyerKey, sellerKey]);

return tx;

Putting It All Together:

Finally, you can integrate everything and produce the escrow transaction:

(async () => {
const buyerKey = new bitcore.PrivateKey();
const sellerKey = new bitcore.PrivateKey();
const escrowKey = new bitcore.PrivateKey();

const buyerPubKey = buyerKey.toPublicKey();
const sellerPubKey = sellerKey.toPublicKey();
const escrowPubKey = escrowKey.toPublicKey();

const multisigAddress = createMultisigAddress(buyerPubKey, sellerPubKey, escrowPubKey);

const recipientAddress = "tb1q..."; // Replace with recipient testnet address
const amount = 100000; // This is in satoshis, so 0.001 BTC

const tx = await createEscrowTransaction(multisigAddress, recipientAddress, amount, buyerKey, sellerKey);
console.log("Transaction:", tx.toString());

Security and Error Handling

While crafting a multisig transaction, it’s crucial to consider security aspects like key management and common pitfalls. Here are some tips and best practices to ensure a secure and smooth process.

The Future of Multi-Signature Escrow

The evolution of blockchain technology might bring even more robust and user-friendly escrow services. Discuss potential future developments and how they could transform digital transactions.


Setting up a Bitcoin multi-signature escrow is a powerful way to enhance transaction security in the blockchain world. While this guide provides a basic framework, remember to delve into further intricacies, like fee management and network confirmations, for real-world applications. Happy coding!

happy coding gif



Abhishek Chauhan
Writer for

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Blockchain dev sharing insights on innovative solutions. Follow me on LinkedIn: 🀝 GitHub: