Create more democtratic atmospher in your firm!

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2 min readApr 30, 2023


Pirichain is not only blockchain concept also platform and Firms can establish their sub chains. It provides a new platform to allow your work space working together any type of company or partner.

You can manage very easily,transparently your consortium firm with your partners. Every operations could transmit via transactions. And each of sides can analys with details in Pirichain.

“Firm A “ has three personals and “Firm B” has two personals. And they should approve or decline transaction by all personals.

There is an example in Figure 1.1. And a sample of changing “Market place cost to 100K $”

Fig 1.1: An example of proposal mechanism in Pirichain

To changing marketplace 100K$ contains steps below:

1- “Firm A” create a new transaction which involves a proposal to change market place cost 100K $.

2- Directors of “Firm A” signed with their “private key” related transaction.

3- Signed Transaction sent to block network.

4- System distributed new incoming transaction to other nodes (Other Firms Nodes).

5- Other nodes checked out the validation of true format of transaction.

6- IF other nodes approve the new proposals then ; emitted approved transaction to blockchain nodes (Other Firms nodes).

7- Finally , transaction approved and proposal accepted by other firms.

Blockchain needs to new play makers in all type of industries. And Pirichain will handle out in near future!

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