Creating and Deploying Smart Contracts for Loom’s BaseChain

Julian Sakowski
10 min readNov 1, 2019



In this article, you are going to learn about Loom Network, it's blockchain and its benefits. Further, you can follow the process on how to create a smart contract for a mini-game from scratch and deploy it for Loom’s BaseChain. If you feel really fancy, you are able to use this smart contract in your own Unity game. Learn How to create a Loom Game in Unity.

Loom Network


The Production-ready, Multichain Interop Platform for Serious Dapp Developers

Loom Network provides developers the scalability and usability they need to build high-performance user-facing dapps today.

With seamless integrations to Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Chain, and all major blockchains, deploying once to Loom lets you future-proof your dapp by reaching the largest number of users possible. —

Loom Network provides a 2nd-Layer solution to Ethereum providing these main benefits:

  • 1–3 second confirmation times
  • No gas fees for users
  • Avoid mainnet transaction congestion
  • Fully compatible with MetaMask and other major Ethereum wallets

Creating a Smart Contract

If you are a beginner in terms of creating smart contracts written in Solidity, I highly recommend Remix IDE to develop and play around with your smart contracts. It enables to easily test some functionality already. Remix also creates the contract ABI and the bytecode for any smart contract — these you will need later on to integrate into your game client.

Also, you should look into Loom’s Solidity School CryptoZombies. 😉

Remix — Ethereum IDE

For advanced coders or experts, I recommend using Truffle. You can also follow this guide by Pranshu Rastogi to create and deploy smart contracts for Loom using Truffle.

The smart contract we are going to create is for a small prototype singleplayer game created with the Game Engine Unity where the player is able to collect coins. These coins are actually created and saved on the Loom blockchain for free!

Finished Smart Contract

Step by Step

Let’s create this prototype game smart contract step by step.

First of all, let’s create a general smart contract

Notice that we defined the range for the compiler version. It has to be between version 5.0 and 6.0. This is recommended since a lower version may include security issues and a higher version may break the contract code. Our contract is called CoinCollector.

Let’s include a win condition, the number of coins a player needs to collect for winning the game.

Notice that we created a global variable “winCondition”, which is of the type uint256 (Positive natural numbers). Further, we included the constructor. The constructor is a special function called once the smart contract is deployed. Here we define our actual win condition in the parameter. Let’s make it 10. For better overview let the parameter always start with an underscore, so you are able to differentiate between parameters and global variables.

Let’s include our functionalities.

Notice that besides the constructor we now created three more functions. We want to be able to start a game, collect coins and always receive the information on how many coins have been collected already. We provided each function with visibility modifiers. Possible modifiers are public, private, internal and external.

  • Public functions can be called by anyone
  • Private means that the function can only be called from inside the contract
  • Internal allows contracts that inherit from the parent contract to use that function
  • External functions are part of the contract interface, which means they can be called from other contracts and via transactions

That said, keep your functions private or internal unless there is a need for outside interaction. Further, our getCoinCount function has the “view” keyword, which is optional but specifies we are not changing any storage variables within this function. We only “view” some data, e.g. our coins. :)

To keep track of how many coins are collected, we added the mapping coinCount. When the game starts the value for the player is reset and while playing each coin collection will increase the value by 1. Our mapping takes an address (the current player) and “points” towards the value, which is the count for collected coins. Therefore we are able to save the current state for each player within coinCount.

Let’s add our last code pieces: Events. Events are most important for our client. It enables us to notice what’s going on. For example, we want to know when a player starts and wins a game or when a coin is collected.

Notice we added the possible events at the top where our storage variables are. Each event defines, which information it requires. In our collectCoin function, we added an if-statement to always check if the player who just collects a coin met the win condition. If so, the end game event is emitted and will be noticed by the client. Each time we refer to “msg.sender” in our code it refers to the address of the incoming transaction, the player.

Well done. The base contract is finished. Feel free to play around and add additional functionality, e.g. the overall coins collected are saved, different coin types are collected, or integrate mechanics to make it a multiplayer game. Be creative!

Deploying your Smart Contract

First of all, we need to install the Loom SDK with the following command:

Next, create a private key that is required to deploy the smart contract with the following command:

Now, we are creating a binary file for our contract.

And use this binary file to deploy our smart contract to the Loom Testnet (It’s totally free!) We specify the private key “-k” the binary file “-b” the chain url “-u” and the chain id “--chain”.

The result should look something like this, where at the top is the contract address followed by our bytecode.

Notice the deployed contract address is “0xfC4ce0E01e8fdd309af77564bF5bE8b7dE79E3e9”. You are now able to find it in the Loom Block Explorer. The contract address is needed to add it to your game client.

Well done! Still some energy? Go and create the mini-game in Unity, which will use your smart contract right away! Learn How to create a Loom Game in Unity.

Who are we?

Our vision at Calystral is to unleash the potential of gamers. We are focusing on building games where the time and effort put in is rewarded with real value. Enhancing the players’ experience and empowering gamers to achieve more. In the process, we strive to overcome technical limitations of Blockchain Technology and use its benefits to lift games to the next level. We would love to share these solutions with the community and other developers. Towards a better future of Gaming!

