Crisis Core Final Fantasy VII Reunion, Prequel

Rodney McGill


When at first you don’t care, check the video!

Final Fantasy VII is one of the most legendary games to ever hit Playstation, 25 years and its still going strong based on the original and the remake. When I first played Final Fantasy VII, I was 20 and at that time I had no idea the scope on which the game was. If that makes any sense.

Crisis Core first came out on PSP which I, ironically, had but didn’t care enough to really give the game my attention. Now, 15 years into the future, the game gets to make a reappearance across the PS4 and PS5.

Personally, I didn’t think that much of the whole prequel or whatever but Zack Fair was apart of Final Fantasy VII and he should get a chance to tell his story especially since you see a sane Sephiroth.

Crisis Core Reunion is going to be awesome and what I like about it is that Zack is going to come with his own story and everything that comes with it especially his own special abilities etc.



Rodney McGill

Writing extraordinaire, I've always loved writing since I was a kid and I'm happy that I am able to become a paid writer like I want to be.